
POC application powered by NativeScript + Angular-2 and using Angular HTTP


The Cosmos Databank Application

POC application powered by NativeScript + Angular-2 and using Angular HTTP and NASA API.

Install Cosmos Databank from Google Play Store or use the instructions below to create a local build.

Main sections:

  • Astronomical Photo of the Day (APOD).

Daily selection of great astronomical photos.

  • Asteroids Proximity Checker.

Weekly list of the closest known asteroids orbiting near the Earth.

  • Mars Rovers Photo Gallery.

Over 500k (five hundred thousand!) photos made from Opportunty, Spirit and Curiosity rovers of the Mars environment.

  • Hubble News Feed

Astronomical news feed from the Hubble space telescope.


  • NativeScript 5.x.x.
  • Android (API 19 and above) or iOS device or emulator.


  • Clone the repository.
  • Add the neeeded credentials in app/settings.json as described in file.
  • Add google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist files in the related app/App_Resources/ platform folders.
  • Run the application.


npm i
tns platform add android
tns run android --bundle --env.uglify --env.aot --env.snapshot

Note: The project's app.gradle file is setting minSdkVersion to 19


npm i
tns platform add ios
tns run ios --bundle --env.uglify --env.aot 

E2e tests


  • Create android emulator with the right resolution for testing:
$ echo yes | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager "build-tools;28.0.1"
$ echo yes | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/sdkmanager "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86"
$ echo no | $ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin/avdmanager create avd -n Emulator-Api28-Google -k "system-images;android-28;google_apis;x86" -b google_apis/x86 -c 900M -f
$ find ~/.android/avd -type f -name 'config.ini' -exec bash -c 'echo $0 && echo "hw.lcd.density=240" | tee -a $0 && echo "" | tee -a $0 && echo "hw.gpu.enabled=yes"  | tee -a $0 && echo "hw.keyboard=no" | tee -a $0 && cat $0 '  {} \;
$ npm run e2e -- --runType android28 --reuseDevice
$ npm run e2e -- --runType iPhoneXR --reuseDevice