
Build a custom NativeScript theme quickly.

MIT License


Develop a custom NativeScript theme now

Getting started

  1. git clone nativescript-theme-[your-custom-name-here]
  2. cd nativescript-theme-[your-custom-name-here]
  3. npm run postclone
  4. Get to work.


The seed is prepared to allow you to test and try out your theme via the integrated app setup which is all set with several component pages you can test your custom theme against. Additionally it provides a proper .gitignore to keep GitHub tidy as well as .npmignore to ensure everyone is happy when you publish your theme via npm.

Typical development workflow:

  1. Make changes to theme SASS files
  2. Make changes in app that would test those changes out
  3. tns emulate ios or tns run android
  4. Or use livesync: tns livesync --emulator --watch


IMPORTANT: Always make sure you have run the app in iOS or Android to verify any changes as well as ensure the latest css has been built before doing the following:

  • Bump version in nativescript-theme-[your-custom-name-here].json
  • Adjust nativescript-theme-[your-custom-name-here].md if any changes to the published README are needed.
npm run builder
cd nativescript-theme-[your-custom-name-here]
npm publish

IMPORTANT: Never modify the contents of nativescript-theme-[your-custom-name-here] folder directly. The builder creates that everytime and any change you make there will be overwritten.

Setup changelog generation:

npm install -g conventional-changelog-cli

Generate changelog workflow:

  1. Make changes
  2. Commit those changes - using these conventions.
  3. Make sure Travis turns green
  4. Bump version in package.json and nativescript-theme-[your-custom-name-here].json
  5. conventional-changelog -p angular -i -s
  6. Commit package.json and files
  7. Tag
  8. Push

Contributing - Want to make the seed better?

git clone
cd nativescript-theme-seed

// Improve!