
Nest Prisma2 repo


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Nest Prisma2

Getting Started

1. Install Prisma2

Setup Prisma2 CLI

npm install -g prisma2

3. Prisma2: Lift

Lift is used to manage the schema and migration of the database.

Saving the migration of the database:

prisma2 lift save

Perform the database migration:

prisma2 lift up

4. Prisma2: Photon

Photon is a type-safe database client auto-generated based on the data model.

To generate Photon execute, this will alwayse be executed after npm install:

prisma2 generate

5. Seed the database data with this script

Execute the script with this command:

npm run seed

6. Install Nestjs

The Nestjs CLI can be used to generate controller, services, resolvers and more.

npm i -g @nestjs/cli

7. Install Dependencies

Install the dependencies for the Nest server in the folder:

npm install

8. Start Nest Server

npm run start
# or in watch mode
npm run start:dev

Graphql is available localhost:3000/graphql and Swagger for Rest Api is available localhost:3000/api.