

Nest Transformer

Transformer implementation for any message broker. Only Kafka is supported for now.


  # Optional. If you have a any other running kafka and zookeper images, you should stop them.
  $ docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

  # Start docker in daemon mode (background).
  $ docker-compose up -d

  # Install dependencies
  $ npm i

  # Start the application
  $ npm run start:dev

  # Publish events for testing

  # Install kafkacat to publish events to local kafka
  brew install kafkacat

  $ npm run publish:users
  $ npm run publish:id_check

KafkaSubscriber Decorator

This decorator subscribes to the given topic with ability to filter events.

  • If the class is decorated with this decorator, then it triggers handle method of the decorated class when matching event is consumed.
    Only Muavin classes should be decorated with this decorator.
  topicName: 'users',
  filter: (payload) => payload.event_name === 'deleted',
class MyMuavin extends Muavin {
  // Base Muavin has handle method
  • If a method in the class is decorated with this decorator, then it triggers the decorated method in the class.
class MyScheduler {
  constructor(@InjectQueue('scheduler') private schedulerProcessor: Queue) {}


    topicName: 'users',
    filter: (payload) => payload.event_name === 'deleted',
  async schedule(event: Record<string, any>): Promise<void> {
    await this.schedulerProcessor.add('process', event.payload, {});


Marks the decorated class as Muavin. The decorated class is responsible for providing a Transformer, Enricher, and Destination(s). Decorated class should be extended from Muavin. (import { Muavin } from '@core')

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';

import { KafkaSubscriber } from '@adapters/kafka';
import { Muavin } from '@core';

import { UserTransformer } from '../transformers/user.transformer';
import { UserEnricher } from '../enrichers/user.enricher';

import { AmplitudeDestination } from '../destinations/amplitude.destination';
import { BrazeDestination } from '../destinations/braze.destination';

  topicName: 'users',
  filter: (payload) => payload.event_name === 'created',
export class UserDeletedMuavin extends Muavin {
    private userTransformer: UserTransformer,
    private userEnricher: UserEnricher,
    private amplitudeDestination: AmplitudeDestination,
    private brazeDestination: BrazeDestination,
  ) {

    this.transformer = this.userTransformer;
    this.enricher = this.userEnricher;
    this.actions = [
      { transformer: userTransformer, destination: this.amplitudeDestination },
      { destination: this.brazeDestination }


Transformers accept the passed event payload from Muavin, transforms it then returns result to the next class, it could be an Enricher if defined, or Destination(s).

Transformer classes should implement BaseTransformer generic. This generic's first parameter is input type, and the second parameter is output type.

export class UserTransformer implements BaseTransformer<IncomingPayload, TransformedPayload> { ... }

Transformer classes should have perform method which handles the transformation.

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';

import { BaseTransformer } from '@core';

import { UsersTopicPayload, UsersTransformedPayload } from '../interfaces';

export class UserTransformer implements BaseTransformer<UsersTopicPayload, UsersTransformedPayload> {
  perform(payload: UsersTopicPayload): UsersTransformedPayload {
    // payload => { user_id: 1 }
    return {
      data: payload,
    // result => { data: { user_id: 1 } }


Enrichers accepts the transformed payload from Transformer class if defined or gets passed payload from the event and Enriches it through some API requests. Perhaps you have user_id in the event payload but don't have user's email. With enrichers, you can get other required fields for the user from your API.

Enricher classes should implement BaseEnricher generic. BaseEnricher's first parameter is input and the second one is output type.

export class UserEnricher implements BaseEnricher<UsersTransformedPayload, Promise<UsersEnrichedPayload>> { ... }

Enricher classses should have perform method which handles the enrichment.

import { HttpService, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';

import { BaseEnricher } from '@core';

import { UsersTransformedPayload, UsersEnrichedPayload } from '../interfaces';

export class UserEnricher implements BaseEnricher<UsersTransformedPayload, Promise<UsersEnrichedPayload>> {
  constructor(private readonly httpClient: HttpService) {}

  async perform(payload: UsersTransformedPayload): Promise<UsersEnrichedPayload> {
    // payload => { data: { user_id: 1 } }
    const { data: userResponse } = await this.httpClient.get('').toPromise();

    return {
      data: {,
    // result => { user_id: 1, email: '[email protected]' }

Destination Decorator

Destinations accepts the enriched payload if defined any or transformed payload and sends it to the 3rd party providers through some API requests.

Marked class should implement BaseDestination generic. BaseDestination's first parameter is incoming payload type.

export class AmplitudeDestination implements BaseDestination<UsersEnrichedPayload>

Destination classses should have perform method which handles API request(s).

import { HttpService, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';

import { BaseDestination } from '@core';
import { UsersEnrichedPayload } from '../interfaces';

export class AmplitudeDestination implements BaseDestination<UsersEnrichedPayload> {
  constructor(private readonly httpClient: HttpService) {}

  async perform(payload: UsersEnrichedPayload): Promise<void> {
    // payload => { data: { user_id: 1, email: '[email protected]' } }
    await'', { payload });

Entire lifecycle of event from Muavin to Destinations

[VerificationRequestMuavin] handling event for payload {
  user_id: 1,
  order_number: '1',
  verification_state: 'pending',
  requester_id: 2

[VerificationRequestTransformer] transformed payload {
  data: {
    user_id: 1,
    order_number: '1',
    verification_state: 'pending',
    requester_id: 2

[UserEnricher] enriched payload {
  data: {
    user_id: 1,
    order_number: '1',
    verification_state: 'pending',
    requester_id: 2
  enrichment: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Leanne Graham',
    username: 'Bret',
    email: '[email protected]',
    address: {
      street: 'Kulas Light',
      suite: 'Apt. 556',
      city: 'Gwenborough',
      zipcode: '92998-3874',
      geo: [Object]
    phone: '1-770-736-8031 x56442',
    website: '',
    company: {
      name: 'Romaguera-Crona',
      catchPhrase: 'Multi-layered client-server neural-net',
      bs: 'harness real-time e-markets'

[AmplitudeDestination] perform triggered with payload {
  data: {
    user_id: 1,
    order_number: '1',
    verification_state: 'pending',
    requester_id: 2
  enrichment: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Leanne Graham',
    username: 'Bret',
    email: '[email protected]',
    address: {
      street: 'Kulas Light',
      suite: 'Apt. 556',
      city: 'Gwenborough',
      zipcode: '92998-3874',
      geo: [Object]
    phone: '1-770-736-8031 x56442',
    website: '',
    company: {
      name: 'Romaguera-Crona',
      catchPhrase: 'Multi-layered client-server neural-net',
      bs: 'harness real-time e-markets'
[BrazeDestination] perform triggered with payload {
  data: {
    user_id: 1,
    order_number: '1',
    verification_state: 'pending',
    requester_id: 2
  enrichment: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Leanne Graham',
    username: 'Bret',
    email: '[email protected]',
    address: {
      street: 'Kulas Light',
      suite: 'Apt. 556',
      city: 'Gwenborough',
      zipcode: '92998-3874',
      geo: [Object]
    phone: '1-770-736-8031 x56442',
    website: '',
    company: {
      name: 'Romaguera-Crona',
      catchPhrase: 'Multi-layered client-server neural-net',
      bs: 'harness real-time e-markets'
[AmplitudeDestination] Success!
[BrazeDestination] Success!
[VerificationRequestMuavin] Success!
