
Type safe route utilities for Next.js.

MIT License

// /routes.ts
import { createRoute } from "next-typed-routes";

export const routes = {
  // For `/pages/index.tsx`
  top: createRoute("/"),

  // For `/pages/users/index.tsx`
  users: createRoute("/users"),
  // For `/pages/users/[userId].tsx`
  usersDetail: (userId: number) => createRoute("/users/[userId]", { userId }),
// /pages/index.tsx
import Link from "next/link";
import { routes } from "../routes.ts";

const targetUserId = 5;

const Page () => (
  <Link {...routes.usersDetail(targetUserId)}>
    <a>Go to the user page (id: {targetUserId})</a>

Page.getInitialProps = async ({ res }) => {
  // Redirect to `/users/123&limit=30` .
  // This works fine on client-side and server-side.
  movePage(routes.usersDetail(123), { res, queryParameters: { limit: 30 } })

Table of Contents


❤️ Designed for Next.js You can use Next.js routing system without custom server
🌐 Build for Universal Ready for Universal JavaScript
📄 Write once, Manage one file All you need is write routes to one file
🎩 Type Safe You can use with TypeScript


Next.js 9 is the first version to support dynamic routing without any middleware. It is so useful and easy to use, and it supports dynamic parameters such as /users/123 .

However the dynamic parameters do not support to be referred type safely. So when we rename a dynamic parameter, we should search codes which use the parameter in <Link> component and others and replace them with a new parameter name. Also it is thought that developers may forget to specify required dynamic parameters when creating links.

next-typed-routes provides some APIs to resolve this issues. You can manage all routes with dynamic parameters in one file and you can create links type safely.

Quick Start


  • npm or Yarn
  • Node.js 10.0.0 or higher
  • Next.js 9.0.0 or higher


$ npm install next-typed-routes

If you are using Yarn, use the following command.

$ yarn add --dev next-typed-routes



import { createRoute } from "next-typed-routes";

export const routes = {
  // For `/pages/index.tsx`
  top: createRoute("/"),

  // For `/pages/users/index.tsx`
  users: createRoute("/users"),
  // For `/pages/users/[userId].tsx`
  usersDetail: (userId: number) => createRoute("/users/[userId]", { userId }),

Firstly, you need to define routes using next-typed-routes.

createRoute function exported from next-typed-routes returns an object for <Link> component props, which has href and as properties. So when you manage values created by createRoute, you can get <Link> component props via the keys like the following.

<Link {}>
  <a>Go to top.</a>

// Or
<Link href={} as={}>
  <a>Go to top.</a>

Arguments of createRoute

Currently, createRoute accepts three parameters.

<Link {...createRoute("/")} />
<Link {...createRoute("/users", undefined, { limit: 10 })} />
<Link {...createRoute("/users/[userId]/items/[itemId]", { userId: 1, itemId: 2 })} />
  • path: string
    • Required.
    • A page of Next.js. This is a path of files in /pages in general.
  • parameters: { [key: string]: number | string | undefined | null }
    • Optional, default is {} .
    • You can give dynamic parameters as object.
  • queryParameters: { [key: string]: number | string | boolean | null | undefined }
    • Optional, default is {} .
    • You can give query string as object.

Key names

import { createRoute } from "next-typed-routes";

export const routes = {
  // For `/pages/index.tsx`
  "/": createRoute("/"),

  // For `/pages/users/index.tsx`
  "/users": createRoute("/users"),
  // For `/pages/users/[userId].tsx`
  "/users/[userId]": (userId: number) => createRoute("/users/[userId]", { userId }),

You can freely name keys of routes , but I recommend you to adopt the same with page file path for key names in order to reduce the thinking time to name them.

Page Mover

import Router from "next/router";
import { createPageMover } from "next-typed-routes";

const movePage = createPageMover("", Router);


next-typed-routes provides a function to reidrect to a specific page using createRoute . This works fine on cliet-side (web browsers) and server-side.

If you want to support server-side, you must give res object from getInitialProps arguments.

Component.getInitialProps = async ({ res }) => {
  movePage("/about", { res });


createRoute(path, parameters, queryParameters): { href: string, as: string }

createRoute("/users", undefined, { limit: 10 })
createRoute("/users/[userId]/items/[itemId]", { userId: 1, itemId: 2 })

Returns an object for <Link> component props.

  • path: string
    • Required
    • A page of Next.js. This is a path of files in /pages in general
  • parameters: { [key: string]: number | string | undefined | null }
    • Optional, default is {}
    • You can give dynamic parameters as object
  • queryParameters: { [key: string]: number | string | boolean | undefined | null }
    • Optional, default is {}
    • You can give query string as object

createPageMover(baseURI, Router): PageMover

createPageMover("", Router);
createPageMover(new URL(""), Router);

Returns a function to redirect URL.

  • baseURI: string | URL
    • Required
    • Your project base URI
  • Router: NextRouter
    • Required
    • Give Router object from next/router in your project

movePage(path, options): void


movePage("/about", { res, statusCode: 301 });
movePage("/about", { res, queryParameters: { limit: 30 } });

This function is created from createPageMover .

  • path: string | { href: string, as: string }
    • Required
    • A destination path
    • It is possible to give a return value from createRoute
  • options: Options
    • Optional, default is {}
    • res: ServerResponse
      • Required if you want to support server-side redirect
      • A sever response object for server-side
      • It is possible to get a context object which contains this from Next.js getInitialProps arguments
    • queryParameters: { [key: string]: number | string | boolean | undefined | null }
      • An object for query string
      • If path already has query string, it will be merged with queryParameters
    • statusCode: 301 | 302
      • A status code for server-side

Contributing to next-typed-routes

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.

Please read Contributing Guidelines before development and contributing.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Copyright 2019 Jaga Apple. All rights reserved.