

NextJS + Markdown + Prisma + Graphql

This is a proof of concept static blogging concept which parses markdown files into a sqlite database and serves those files using graphql and next js.

Proof of Concept Almost Done

Backend Architecture Decisions

Front End Decisions

  • All pages are routed through a file [[...slug]].tsx.
    • This is a very flexible way of defining content since all pages are run through the same code
    • Any page can be overriden by creating a page for it's slug
    • For example blog pages could be overriden by creating a page blog/[[...slug]].tsx
  • The pages are styled with emotion and twin.macro
  • We use mdx (from next-mdx-remote) to parse the markdown into mdx
    • in order to place images next to markdown we use webpack file-loader and require the images dynamically in the mdx components


TLDR Run yarn watch to run the dev server.

This project works by generating a bunch of assets automatically. Each type of asset is generated using different scripts

  • yarn generate:prisma
    • prisma is in charge of generating a database client and a graphql server
      • the graphql server is in charge of generating the graphql schema
  • yarn generate:graphqltypes
    • graphql-codegen is used to generate graphql types for graphql queries
  • yarn generate:markdown
    • prisma db seed is used to convert markdown files in the content directory into rows in the database
    • we use next-remote-watch to reload the dev server when the markdown has finished generating

You can generate all the assets and run the dev server using yarn watch

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