

Next.js: i18n done right

A journey to support internationalization and right-to-left languages

This is a hands-on project which you can use as a baseline to implement this feature yourself or, alternatively, you can follow our implementation process commit-by-commit, or just run the final version to play around in your browser.

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Getting Started

Finally, assuming you already installed Node 16 and NPM you can run the commands below to get started:

# Setup `.env.local` with any potentially missing API KEY or Configuration
npm i
npm run dev

Access http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

1st Note: easily manage your node and npm versions with Node Version Manager

2nd Note: install the vscode plugins recommended in .vscode/extensions.json or similar ones

Launching Development Mode with Server Breakpoints

# Vscode? See
# DevTools? See
npm run dev:inspect

Take Home Exercise

Our demo implementation was split into several branches (git fetch --all && git branch --all).

Starting from branch 00 through branch 03. You should be able to see features comming to life.

We challenge you to do the following exercise:

  • Go to the final version of this demo)
    • Play around with the functionality
      • Change the language on the client-side
      • Change the language using the URL
      • Access the site in anonymous mode with browser language set to ar
        • Can you see the languages changing? What about the i18nex cookie on the developer tools
          • Assuming you are on Chrome cookies are available in Developer Tools > Application > Storage > Cookies.
  • Implement the following features in order:
    • Install the required packages to perform translations react-i18next and i18next
      • Configure them according to the docs
      • Add the useTranslation hook in components that got "translable" strings
        • Ensure that english translation still works
      • Add a new language of your choice (e.g.: german, locale := de)
        • Access the home page with /de at the end. Does the language change?
      • Configure i18next-browser-languagedetector and see if you can figure out how to synch everything
    • Create a dropdown selector for the user to be able to select languages
      • When the user clicks a new language, change the next.js router locale.
        • How do you synchronize the i18next and next.js data? Perhaps a hook at pages/_app.tsx?
    • Add arabic translations
      • Ensure that when the user selects ar, the page direction changes <html dir="rtl">
        • This should be done on pages/_document.tsx! You can not use hooks here. Good luck!
    • Now that the pages flips directions you can probably see your UI broken.
      • Use tailwindcss-rtl library to replace left and right styles with start and end.
        • Read the first page of their docs to know what this means exactly.
        • Note: currently you can not use negative directives, nor arbitrary values with this lib! \How can you work around this issue?

Environment Variables

To know more about the reason why there is not problem in having .env files in the root of the project read about environment variables in Next.js.

Remember Next.js looks for variables in the following places (and order) and stopslooking for them on the first match!

  • process.env (system-wide environment variables)
  • .env.$(NODE_ENV).local (please do not use this)
  • .env.local (not loaded when NODE_ENV=test)
  • .env.$(NODE_ENV) (one of development | test | production)
  • .env

Variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ are available client-side (to user browsers) and server-side, whereas non-prefixed variables are only available to the server and not visible to users. Next.js also does not leak server-side code to the clients.

You can add any variables to these files as long as you follow these rules:

  • Non-sensitive variables required by browsers or browsers and server should be written in plaintext and prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC directive:

  • Non-sensitive variables required only by the server should be written in plaintext without the NEXT_PUBLIC directive:

  • Sensitive or secret variables required only by the server should not be written in any file other than .env.local or exported in your .zshrc profile. In production they should be injected by Netlify. You can you use the project build dashboard to add new sensitive variables.

Formatting and Linting Code

npm run format
npm run lint

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