
Reactive Extensions for Angular


Reactive Extensions for Angular

Proposal for a fully reactive/zone-less architecture in Angular

This document is a proposal for a fully reactive architecture in Angular. Its main goal is to serve as the glue between your reactive code and the framework.

Parts of Angular like the ReactiveFormsModule, RouterModule, HttpClientModule etc. are already reactive. And especially when composing them together we see the benefit of observables. i.e. http composed with router params. For those who prefer imperative code, it's little effort to restrict it to a single subscription.

On the other hand for those who prefer reactive code, it's not that easy. A lot of conveniences is missing, and beside the async pipe there is pretty much nothing there to take away the manual mapping to observables. Furthermore, an increasing number of packages start to be fully observable based. A very popular and widely used example is ngRx. It enables us to maintain global push-based state management based on observables. Also, other well-known libraries, angular material provide a reactive way of usage.

This creates even more interest and for so-called reactive primitives for the Angular framework, like the async and other template syntax, decorators and services.

The first step would be to give an overview of the needs and a suggested a set of extensions to make it more convenient to work in a reactive architecture. In the second step, We will show the best usage and common problems in a fully reactive architecture.

Table of content

Sections Important For Reactive Architecture

Here we will try to list all areas in angular where such helper primitives would be needed. The first step is to list all possible situations and a very simple solution for a reactive approach. Each area may have different requirements to be more convenient to use reactively.

Every section explains the current imperative approach as well as the reactive approach in a simple way. This should help to understand the problems and get a good overview of the options and needs for a reactive architecture in angular.

Based on the collected information we can try to use the explored options to create an elegant solution for the explored needs.

Following topics are documented below:

  • Dom-Element interaction
  • Webcomponent interaction
  • Component interaction


DomElements is everything you can query from document.

The goal is to list vanilla js versions as well as the angular way and list options on how to make property values and events working with angular.

Send to property over <elem attr=""></elem>

To set a value for an input attribute you can query the dom get the item and set the value.

const elem = document.getElementById('elem-1');
const elem.value = 42;        

This case is easy to cover in a general case as there are many built-in directives that enable us to set attributes on elements with angular.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <button id="p1" [disabled]="disabled">Btn</button>
export class AppComponent  {
  disabled = false;

Reactive approach:

Angular provides a set of decorators for all standard dom attributes. This the suggested way to go and explained in detail in the AngularComponent section.

Reactive approach:

const elem = document.getElementById('elem-1');
fromEvent(elem, 'click')
  .subscribe(e => {
    console.log('click event:', e);

Needs: As Angular covered this already this section can be ignored for the suggested extensions.


The goal is to list vanilla js versions as well as the angular way and list options on how to make property values and events working with angular.

Send to property over <elem attr=""></elem>

Imperative approach:


Reactive approach:


Needs: TBD

Receive events over elem.addEventListener()

Imperative approach:


Reactive approach:


Needs: TBD


As the main requirement for a reactive architecture in current component-oriented frameworks are handling properties and events of components as well as several specifics for rendering and composition of observables.

In angular, we have an equivalent to properties and events, input and output bindings_. But we also have several other options available to interact with components.

The goal is to list all features in angular that need a better integration. We cover an imperative as well as a reactive approach for each option.

We consider the following decorators:

  • Input Decorator
  • Output Decorator
  • HostListener Decorator
  • HostBinding Decorator

And consider the following bindings:

  • Input Binding
  • Output Binding

Input Decorator

Inside of a component or directive we can connect properties with the components in it bindings over the @Input() decorator. This enables us to access the values of the incoming in the component.

Receive property values over @Input('state')

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>State: {{state | json}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent  {
  @Input() state;

Reactive approach:

Here we have to consider to cache the latest value from state-input binding. As changes fires before AfterViewInit, we normally would lose the first value sent. Using some caching mechanism prevents this. Furthermore and most importantly this makes it independent from the lifecycle hooks.

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>State: {{state$ | async | json}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent  {
  state$ = new ReplaySubject(1);
  set state(v) {


Some decorator that automates the boilerplate of settings up the subject and connection it with the property. Here ReplaySubject is critical because of the life cycle hooks. @Input is fired first on OnChange where the first moment where the view is ready would be AfterViewInit

Boilerplate Automation For every binding following steps could be automated:

  • setting up a Subject
  • hooking into the setter of the input binding and .next() the incoming value

Early Producer All input bindings are so-called "early producer". A cache mechanism is needed as followed:

  • Use a ReplaySubject with bufferSize of 1 to emit notifications

Output Decorator

Send event over eventEmitter.emit(42)

Inside of a component or directive, we can connect events with the components output bindings over the @Output() decorator. This enables us to emit values to its parent component.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<button (click)="onClick($event)">Btn</button>`
export class ChildComponent  {
  clickEmitter = new EventEmitter();
  onClick(e) {; 

Reactive approach:

Here we change 2 things. We use a Subject to retrieve the button click event and provide an observable instead of an EventEmitter for @Output().

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<button (click)="$event)">Btn</button>`
export class ChildComponent  {
  btnClick = new Subject();
  clickEmitter = this.btnClick
      map(e => e.timeStamp)

Needs: No need for an extension.

No need for custom extensions Due to the fact that we can also provide an Observable as EventEmitters there is no need for as extension

HostListener Decorator

Receive event from the host over @HostListener('click', ['$event'])

Inside of a component or directive, we can connect host events with a component method over the @HostListener() decorator. This enables us to retrieve the host's events.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>Num: {{num}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent  {
  num = 0;
  @HostListener('click', ['$event'])
  onClick(e) {
    this.num = ++this.num;

Reactive approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>Num: {{num$ | async}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent  {
  numSubj = new Subject();
  num$ = this.numSubj.pipe(scan(a => ++a));

  @HostListener('click', ['$event'])
  onCllick(e) {;


We would need a decorator automates the boilerplate of the Subject creation and connect it with the property. As subscriptions can occur earlier than the Host could send a value we speak about "early subscribers". This problem can be solved as the subject is created in with instance construction.

Boilerplate Automation For every binding following steps could be automated:

  • setting up a Subject
  • hooking into the setter of the input binding and .next() the incoming value

Early Producer Make sure the created Subject it present early enough

HostBinding Decorator

Receive property changes from the host over @HostBinding('class')

Inside of a component or directive, we can connect the DOM attribute as from the host with the component property. Angular automatically updates the host element over change detection. In this way, we can retrieve the host's properties changes.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>color: {{className}}</p>`,
export class ChildComponent  {
  className = 'visible';
  get background() {
   return this.className;

Reactive approach:



Provide an observable instead of a function.

Here again, we would need a decorator that automates the Subject creation and connection. As subscriptions can occur earlier than the Host could be ready we speak about "early subscribers". This problem can be solved as the subject is created in with instance construction.

Boilerplate Automation For every binding following steps could be automated:

  • setting up a Subject
  • hooking into the setter of the input binding and .next() the incoming value

Early Subscribers Make sure the created Subject it present early enough

Input Binding

Send value changes to child compoent input [state]="state"

In the parent component, we can connect component properties to the child component inputs over specific template syntax, the square brackets [state]. Angular automatically updates the child component over change detection. In this way, we can send component properties changes.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <app-child [state]="state"></app-child>
export class AppComponent  {
  state = 42;

Reactive approach:

Important to say is that with this case we can ignore the life cycle hooks as the subscription happens always right in time. We cal rely on trust that subscription to state$ happens after AfterViewInit.

Inconsistent handling of undefined variables It is important to mention the inconsistent handling of undefined variables and observables that didn't send a value yet.

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <app-child [state]="state$ | async"></app-child>
export class AppComponent  {
  state$ = of(42);

Needs: As we know exactly when changes happen we can trigger change detection manually. Knowing the advantages of subscriptions over the template and lifecycle hooks the solution should be similar to async pipe.

NgZone could be detached As all changes can get detected we could detach the pipe from the ChangeDetection and trigger it on every value change

Performance optimisations

  • consider scheduling over AnimationFrameScheduler the output is always for the view

Implement strict and consistent handling of undefined for pipes A pipe similar to async that should act as follows:

  • when initially passed undefined the pipe should forward undefined as value as on value ever was emitted
  • when initially passed null the pipe should forward null as value as null was emitted
  • when initially passed of(undefined) the pipe should forward undefined as value as undefined was emitted
  • when initially passed of(null) the pipe should forward null as value as null was emitted
  • when initially passed EMPTY the pipe should forward undefined as value as on value ever was emitted
  • when initially passed NEVER the pipe should forward undefined as value as on value ever was emitted
  • when reassigned a new Observable the pipe should forward undefined as value as no value was emitted from the new
  • when completed the pipe should keep the last value in the view until reassigned another observable
  • when sending a value the pipe should forward the value without changing it

Already existing similar packages:

Template Bindings

In the following, we try to explore the different needs when working with observables in the view.

Lets examen different situations when binding observables to the view and see how the template syntax that Angular already provides solves this. Let's start with a simple example.

Multiple usages of async pipe Here we have to use the async pipe twice. This leads to a polluted template and introduces another problem with subscriptions. As observables are mostly unicasted we would receive 2 different values, one for each subscription. This pushes more complexity into the component code because we have to make sure the observable is multicasted.

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    {{random$ | async}}
    <comp-b [value]="random$ | async">
export class AppComponent  {
  random$ = interval(1000)
      map(_ => Math.random()),
      // needed to be multicasted

Binding over the as syntax To avoid such scenarios we could use the as syntax to bind the observable to a variable and use this variable multiple times instead of using the async pipe multiple times.

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <ng-container *ngIf="random$ | async as random">
        <comp-b [value]="random">
export class AppComponent  {
  random$ = interval(1000)
      map(_ => Math.random())

Binding over the let syntax Another way to avoid multiple usages of the async pipe is the let syntax to bind the observable to a variable.

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <ng-container *ngIf="random$ | async; let random = ngIf">
        <comp-b [value]="random">
export class AppComponent  {
  random$ = interval(1000)
      map(_ => Math.random())

Both ways misuse the *ngIf directive to introduce a context variable and not to display or hide a part of the template. This comes with several downsides:

  • we lose the meaning of the *ngIf directive
  • the functionality of hiding displaying itself.
    The *ngIf directive is triggered be falsy values, but we don't want to conditionally show or hiding content,
    but just introduce a context variable. This could lead to problems in several situations.
  • The functionality of subscribing has to be done separately over the async pipe

*ngIf directive triggered by falsy values

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <ng-container *ngIf="random$ | async as random">
        <comp-b [value]="random">
export class AppComponent  {
  random$ = interval(1000)
      map(_ => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 0)

As we can see, in this example the ng-container would only be visible if the value is 1 and therefore truthy. All falsy values like 0 would be hidden. This is a problem in some situations.

In some cases the ngIfElse directive and ng-template helps, but in some situations we can't use it.

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    <a *ngIf="random$ | async as random" [routerLink]="[{outlets:{aside: random}}]">toggle + {{random ? 'aside' : ''}}</a>
export class AppComponent  {
  random$ = interval(1000)
      map(_ => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 0)

Here we could try to use *ngFor to solve the problem.

Context variable over the *ngFor directive

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
     <a *ngFor="let random of [random$ | async]" [routerLink]="[{outlets:{aside: random}}]">{{random ? 'show' : 'hide'}}</a>
export class AppComponent  {
  random$ = interval(1000)
      map(_ => Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : 0)

By using *ngFor to create a context variable we avoid the problem with *ngIf and falsy values. But we still misuse a directive. Additionally *ngFor is less performant than *ngIf.

There is another problem which we should consider. Nested scopes.

Nested ng-container problem

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
  <ng-container *ngIf="observable1$ | async as color">
    <ng-container *ngIf="observable2$ | async as shape">
      <ng-container *ngIf="observable3$ | async as name">
        <app-color [color]="color" [shape]="shape" [name]="name">
export class AppComponent  {
  observable1$ = interval(1000);
  observable2$ = interval(1500);
  observable3$ = interval(2000);

Here we nest ng-container which is a useless template code. A solution could be to compose an object out of the individual observables. This can be done in the view or the component.

Composing Object in the View

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
      color: observable1$ | async,
      shape: observable2$ | async,
      name:  observable3$ | async
    } as c">
    <app-other-thing [color]="c.color" [shape]="c.shape" [name]="">
export class AppComponent  {
  observable1$ = interval(1000);
  observable2$ = interval(1500);
  observable3$ = interval(2000);

Here we can use *ngIf again because and object is always truthy. However, the downside here is we have to use the async pipe for each observable. `Furthermore we have less control over the single observables. A better way would be to move the composition into the template and only export final compositions to the template.

Composition in the Component

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
  <ng-container *ngIf="composition$ | async as c">
    <app-color [color]="c.color" [shape]="c.shape" [name]="">
export class AppComponent  {
  observable1$ = interval(1000);
  observable2$ = interval(1500);
  observable3$ = interval(2000);

  composition$ = combineLatest(
    this.observable1$.pipe(startWith(null), distinctUntilChanged()),
    this.observable2$.pipe(startWith(null), distinctUntilChanged()),
    this.observable3$.pipe(startWith(null), distinctUntilChanged()),
    (color, shape, name) => ({color, shape, name})


As we see in this example in the component we have full control over the composition.

Needs: We need a directive that just defines a context variable without any interaction of the actual dom structure. The syntax should be simple and short like the as syntax. It should take over basic performance optimizations. Also, the consistent handling of null and undefined should be handled.

Implement more convenient binding syntax To improve usability we should fulfill the following:

  • the context should be always present. *ngIf="{}" would do that already
  • avoid multiple usages of the `async pipe
  • move subscription handling in the directive
  • better control over the context. Maybe we could get rid of the as as variable??
  • implement an internal layer to handle null vs undefined etc
  • implement the option to put additional logic for complete and error of an observable

Basic performance optimisations

  • consider scheduling over AnimationFrameScheduler the output is always for the view
  • handling changes could be done programmatically. Good for running zone-less

Implement strict and consistent handling of null/undefined for the bound value Please visit the section Input Binding for a full list of requirements

Already existing similar packages:

Output Binding

Receive events from child component over (stateChange)="fn($event)"

In the parent component, we can receive events from child components over specific template syntax, the round brackets (stateChange). Angular automatically updates fires the provides function over change detection. In this way, we can receive component events.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    state: {{state}}
    <app-child (stateChange)="onStateChange($event)"></app-child>
export class AppComponent  {
  onStateChange(e) {
    this.state = e; 

Reactive approach:

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
    state: {{state$ | async}}<br>
    <app-child (stateChange)="state$.next($event)"></app-child>
export class AppComponent  {
  state$ = new Subject();

Needs: As it is minimal overhead we can stick with creating a Subject on our own.

No need for custom extensions Due to the fact of the minimal overhead and the resources of creating a custom Decorator for it there no need for as extension

Component and Directive Life Cycle Hooks

As the component's logic can partially rely on the components life cycle hooks we also need to consider the in-out evaluation.

Angular fires a variety of lifecycle hooks. Some of them a single time some of them only once a components lifetime.

Angulars life cycle hooks are listed ere in order: (Here the Interface name is used. The implemented method starts with the prefix 'ng')

  • OnChanges (ongoing, transports changes)
  • OnInit (single shot)
  • DoCheck (ongoing)
  • AfterContentInit (single shot)
  • AfterContentChecked (ongoing)
  • AfterViewInit (single shot)
  • AfterViewChecked (ongoing)
  • OnDestroy (single shot)

The goal here is to find a unified way to have single shot, as well as ongoing life cycle hooks, and observable.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>change: {{changes | json}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {


  ngOnChanges(changes) {
    this.changes= changes;

Reactive approach: As above mentioned in section Input Decorator we replay the latest value to avoid timing issues related to life cycle hooks.

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>change: {{changes$ | async | json}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() state;
  onChanges$ = new ReplaySubject(1);
  changes$ = this.onChanges$
      .pipe(map(changes => changes));

  ngOnChanges(changes) {

Handle general things for hooks:

Following things need to be done for every lifecycle hook:

  • every life cycle replays the last value and completion
  • errors are swallowed and complete is returned instead
  • every hook should be tied to the lifecycle of the component
  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>change: {{changes$ | async | json}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() state;
  onDestroy$$ = new ReplaySubject(1);
  onDestroy$ = this.onDestroy$$.pipe(catchError(e => EMPTY));
  onChanges$$ = new ReplaySubject(1);
  onChanges$ = this.onChanges$$.pipe(catchError(e => EMPTY), takeUntil(this.onDestroy$));
  ngOnChanges(changes) {
  ngOnDestroy(changes) {

Handle hook specific stuff:

To handle the differences in lifecycle hooks we follow the following rules:

  • single shot life cycle hooks complete after their first emission
  • single shot life cycle hooks swallow errors and emit the last void
  • on-going life cycle hooks just complete on error
  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>change: {{changes$ | async | json}}</p>`
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {
  @Input() state;
  const singleShotOperators = pipe(
    catchError(e => of(void)),
  const ongoingOperators = pipe(
    catchError(e => EMPTY),
  onChanges$ = this.onChanges$$.pipe(this.ongoingOperators);
  onInit$ = this.onInit$$.pipe(this.singleShotOperators);
  doCheck$ = this.doCheck$$.pipe(this.ongoingOperators);
  afterContentInit$ = this.afterContentInit$$.pipe(this.singleShotOperators);
  afterContentChecked$ = this.afterContentChecked$$.pipe(this.ongoingOperators);
  afterViewInit$ = this.afterViewInit$$.pipe(this.singleShotOperators);
  afterViewChecked$ = this.afterViewChecked$$.pipe(this.ongoingOperators);
  onDestroy$ = this.onDestroy$$.pipe(take(1));
  ngOnChanges(changes) {
  ngOnDestroy(changes) {

Needs We need a decorator to automates the boilerplate of the Subject creation and connect it with the property away.

Also subscriptions can occur earlier than the Host could send a value we speak about "early subscribers". This problem can be solved as the subject is created in with instance construction.

Boilerplate Automation For every binding following steps could be automated:

  • setting up a Subject
  • hooking into the setter of the input binding and .next() the incoming value
  • hiding observer methods form external usage

Respect Lifetime and State of Lifecycles

  • subscription handling tied to component lifetime
  • single shot observables complete after their first call

Late Subscribers

  • As subscriptions could happen before values are present (subscribing to OnInit in the constructor)
    we have to make sure the Subject is created early enough for all life cycle hooks
  • on subscription to already completed observable of a lifecycle it should return the last event and complete again.

Service Life Cycle Hooks

In general, services are global or even when lazy-loaded the are not unregistered at some point in time. The only exception is Services in the Components providers Their parts of the services logic could rely on the life of the service, which is exactly the lifetime of the component.

Angular for such scenarios angular provides the OnDestroy life cycle hook for classes decorated with @Injectable.

The goal here is to find a unified way to have the services OnDestroy life cycle hooks as observable.

Imperative approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: ``,
  providers: [LocalProvidedService]
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {
  constructor(private s: LocalProvidedService) {

export class LocalProvidedService implements OnDestroy {
  constructor() {

  ngOnDestroy(changes) {
    console.log('LocalProvidedService OnDestroy');

Reactive approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: ``,
  providers: [LocalProvidedService]
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {
  constructor(private s: LocalProvidedService) {
  providedIn: 'root'
export class LocalProvidedService implements OnDestroy {
  onDestroy$ = new Subject();
  constructor() {
     this.onDestroy$subscribe(_ => console.log('LocalProvidedService OnDestroy');)

  ngOnDestroy(changes) {

Needs We need a decorator to automates the boilerplate of the Subject creation and connect it with the property away.

Boilerplate Automation For every binding following steps could be automated:

  • setting up a Subject
  • hooking into the setter of the input binding and .next() the incoming value
  • we should NOT override but EXTEND the potentially already existing functions

Local State

Encapsulation and Instantiation

The goal here is to evaluate approaches of encapsulating state-management into a service. As this is trivial in angular we directly go to the example.

Simple approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: ``,
  providers: [LocalProvidedService]
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {
  constructor(private localStateService: LocalStateService) {;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class LocalProvidedService implements OnDestroy {
  subject = new Subject();
  next(value) {;

Needs As Angular already provides a DI layer there is nothing to solve here

Managing the State Structure

The goal here is to come up with a good slim solution for managing the components state as an object. The state should be immutable by default and easy to change and receive changes.

Simple approach:

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `
    <button (click)="increment()">click</button>
    state: {{state$ | async | json}}
export class ChildComponent implements OnChanges {
  command$ = Subject();
  state$ = this.command$
      scan((state, command) => ({...state, ...command}), {})

  increment() {
    this.command$.next({value: 1})  

Needs We need to manage the components state as an object. The logic should make immutable changes so we don't have care about it. The state should be easy to receive and change to the state should be able with as minimal code as possible.

Manage state as an object Form the above explorations following things are needed to organize our state

  • an object to identify every stored value over a key
  • setup a Subject to have the observers .next() Method available to send values
  • accumulate the values in an object over the scan operator
  • at least immutable changes to the shallow
    done by i.e. the TypeScript spread operator ... should be automated by the logic
  • having a layer of validation for the commands

Late Subscriber

Situations, where interested parties join a part of your application later on in time, are called late subscribers. Some meaningful examples could be:

  • the view is a late subscriber to stuff happening in the constructor or the ngOnChanges method.
  • any component is a late subscriber to a stateful service

Such situations are handled over getter in imperative programming. In reactive programming, we solve this over thin caching layer.

Problem of being too late

  selector: 'app-late-subscriber',
  template: `
    <h2>Late Subscriber Child</h2>
    {{state$ | async | json}}
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class LateSubscriberComponent {
  state$ = new Subject();
  set state(v) {


Replaying latest (n) values

  selector: 'app-late-subscriber',
  template: `
    <h2>Late Subscriber Child</h2>
    {{state$ | async | json}}
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class LateSubscriberComponent {
  state$ = new ReplaySubject(1);
  set state(v) {


We need to abstract timing issues away from the consumer. In the case of late subscribers, it is easily possible with subjects like BehaviorSubject or ReplaySubject or operators like share or shareReplay.

Replaying latest Values

  • use ReplaySubject to cache the latest (n) values. In most of the cases, this is the way to go.
  • there are rare cases where we want to use an initial value and are not able to use startWith, here a BehaviorSubject can be used
  • In cases where we have no control of the source we can also use shareReplay
  • In stateful services the replayed values are always limited to 1. The actual value and all future ones.

Sharing References over Observables

There are situations where we have to compose multiple streams, compute new state and create a reference to some object, i.e. a FromGroup. This reference is then later on shared with multiple subscribers.

Such situations are handled by mutation a component property in imperative programming. In reactive programming, we solve this multi-casting.

Problem of being shared references

  selector: 'app-sharing-a-reference',
  template: `
    <h2>Sharing a reference</h2>
    <form *ngIf="(formGroup$ | async$) as formGroup" [formGroup]="formGroup">
      <div *ngFor="let c of formGroup.controls | keyvalue">
        <input [formControlName]="c.key"/>
export class SharingAReferenceComponent {
  state$ = new ReplaySubject(1);
  set formGroupModel(value) {

  @Output() formValueChange = new EventEmitter();

  formGroup$: Observable<FormGroup> = combineLatest(this.state$, this.router.params)
      map(config =>
    private fb: FormBuilder,
    private router: ActivatedRoute
  ) {
        switchMap((fg: FormGroup) => fg.valueChanges)
      .subscribe(v => this.formValueChange.emit(v));

  preparingFormGroupConfig([modelFromInput, modelFromRouterParams]) {
    // override defaults with router params if exist
    return Object.entries({...modelFromInput, ...modelFromRouterParams})
      .reduce((c, [name, initialValue]) => ({...c, [name]: [initialValue]}), {});


As we see the provided example is not working. The reason for this is we subscribe multiple times to the formGroup$. One time in the template to render the form, the second time in the constructor to forward form value changes to the EventEmitter. Because the formGroup$ observable is cold (every subscriber receives a unique producer) we instantiate the FormGroup once per subscription.

Sharing a reference problem

  selector: 'app-sharing-a-reference',
  template: `
    <h2>Sharing a reference</h2>
      {{newObject$ | async | json}}
export class SharingAReferenceComponent {
  newObject$ = of(Math.random());
  constructor() {


As we see we end up with 2 different numbers. This is equivalent to having 2 different instances of and Object like the mentioned FormGroup. Whenever we have to share a reference we need to make shure to have it multicasted.

Multicast the reference solution

  selector: 'app-sharing-a-reference',
  template: `
    <h2>Sharing a reference</h2>
      {{newObject$ | async | json}}
export class SharingAReferenceComponent {
  newObject$ = of(Math.random())
  constructor() {


Here we use shareReplay(1) to make sure all subscriber receives the same reference.


To be able to share references creates on the flyover observables we have to make sure the observables are multicasted.

Sharing a reference over observables

  • use shareReplay(1) make sure all subscribers receive the same reference
  • forward last instance for a late subscriber. Also done with shareReplay(1)

Early Producer

Situations, where we have early producers, are things where we have values produces and transported over cold Observables. In this case, as we have no subscriber yet on the mentioned Observable, we are losing all values until the first subscriber.

The goal would be to find a solution that can get encapsulated and abstracted away from the actual code.

Problem of early production

  selector: 'app-early-producer',
  template: `
    {{state$ | async | json}}
export class LateSubscriberComponent {
  command$ = new Subject();
  state$ = this.command
      scan((s,c)=>({...s,...c}), {})
  set state(v) {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {slice1: 7};
    this.state = {slice2: 42};

Making the accumulation hot

  selector: 'app-late-subscriber',
  template: `
    <h2>Late Subscriber Child</h2>
    {{state$ | async | json}}
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class LateSubscriberComponent {
  command$ = new Subject();
  state$ = this.command
      scan( (s,c) => ({...s,...c}), {} ),
  set state(v) {
  constructor() {

    this.state = { slice1: 7 };
    this.state = { slice2: 42 };

Needs We need to have the observable to be hot with component constructor. Additional pipes or similar should be abstractedd away.

Providing State as Hot To ensure all values get processed we need to:

  • call the .connect() on the observable created over publish at component construction
  • use publishReplay(1) to provide state for late subcriber

Subscription handling

Normally we use the component's lifecycle to subscribe and unsubscribe from certain observables in the component. We already know some solutions for getting a clean and elegant subscription handling by turning OnDestroy into an Observable. But it still feels a bit repetitive. Furthermore, it is up to the user to do subscription handling right.

The goal would be to find a way to move subscription handling outside of the component code.

Subscription Handling Inside of Component

  selector: 'app-early-producer',
  template: ``
export class LateSubscriberComponent {
  ngOnDestroy$ = new Subject();
  command$ = new Subject();
  state$ = this.command
      scan( (s,c) => ({...s,...c}), {} ),
  constructor() {
  ngOnDestroy() {

Subscription Handling over View Provider

  selector: 'app-early-producer',
  template: ``,
  providers: [LocalStateService]
export class LateSubscriberComponent implements OnDestroy {
  constructor(private localState: LocalStateService) {

class LocalStateService implements OnDestroy {
   ngOnDestroy$ = new Subject();
   command$ = new Subject();
   state$ = this.command
      scan( (s,c) => ({...s,...c}), {} ),
    ngOnDestroy() {

Needs We need to find an elegant way of controlling subscriptions in a component.

Automated subscription handling To ensure all subscriptions are cleaned up outside ou the component we need to:

  • encapsulate state managed in the component into a service
  • leverage the services OnDestroy life cycle hook to handle subscription inside the service
  • provide it under the component's providers to bind its lifetime to the components lifetime
  • use dependency injection us instantiate the service with component construction

Running Zone Less


To run a angular project zone-less following steps should be made:

  1. Open main.ts of your project and pass 'noop' as NgZone instance under the compilerOptions in the bootstrap call:
//                                                 !!! CHAGNE HERE !!! 
platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule, {ngZone: 'noop'})
  .catch(err => console.error(err));

  1. Test it by importing NgZone into app.component.ts and log the instance:
 constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {
    console.log('ngZone', this.ngZone);

You should see NoopNgZone as class name. That's it. Now we run zone-less.

Now let's setup build and serve scripts to switch between zone-full and zone-less.

  1. Copy main.ts and rename it to Then revert main.ts to the original state.
  2. Copy polyfills.ts and rename it to
    Open it and comment out following line:
 * Zone JS is required by default for Angular itself.
// !!! CHANGES HERE !!!
// import 'zone.js/dist/zone';  // Included with Angular CLI.
  1. Open angular.json and add following configurations:
      "projects": {
        "PROJECT_NAME_HERE": {
          "architect": {
            "build": {
              "configurations": {
                ... !!! CHANGES HERE !!!
                "zoneLess": {
                  "main": "pathToProject/src/",
                  "polyfills": "pathToProject/src/"
            "serve": {
              "configurations": {
                ... !!! CHANGES HERE !!!
                "zoneLess": {
                  "browserTarget": "elements:build:zoneLess"
  1. Add a new scripts entry to package.json in the root folder to use your new configuration.
  "scripts": {
    ... !!! CHANGES HERE !!!
    "start:zone-less": "ng serve --project YOUR-PROJECT-NAME -c=zoneLess"
  1. Run npm run start:zone-less and npm run start and check the difference in the console log's.

Problems with Components when Running Zone Less

Next to some edge cases with zones and web components it works change detection pretty seamless in angular. However, when exiting zone and approaching a fully reactive zone-less setup we run into several scenarios that end up problematic.

Let's see what scenarios we should take a closer look:

Component Template Bindings

If we test some basic template bindings, displaying a primitive or a simple object, we see no changes in the view.

p: {{primitive}}, o: {{o | json}} 

Also with the `async` pipe nothing gets rendered. 
This is the case because the async pipe only triggers `ChangeDetectorRef.markForCheck()`, 
but change detection does not look for changes, as it is disabled. 

p$: {{primitive$ | async}}, o$: {{o$ | async | json}} 

To solve it we need to trigger ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges() whenever we want to render.

One of the first approaches would be to implement a tap operator and trigger cd there before it is rendered in the view. But this would end up in a off by one issue and therefore is no solution.

A proper solution is trigger detectChanges() over a pipe, so rendering runs after the value arrives in the template.

Primitive Workaround To achieve it in a quick an dirty way is following:

  1. Create a file called push.pipe.ts into your projects src folder.
  2. Copy the source file for the async pipe from the angular repo. Here the link to the file async_pipe.ts.
  3. Replace following line with this snippet:
  1. Replace following line with this snippet:
 @Pipe({name: 'push', pure: false})
 export class PushPipe implements OnDestroy, PipeTransform {
  1. Add it to you app.module.ts declarations:
import {PushPipe} from "./push.pipe";

  declarations: [
export class AppModule {
  1. Use it like this: {{observable$ | push}}

Needs We refactor async pipe to fulfill strict and consistent undefined handling as described in Input Bindings. Also the mentioned call of detectChanges() needs to be done inside. Optional we could schedule side effects over requestAnimationFrame.

Input Bindings

Input Bindings don't fire after the initial render. The code below shows a setup where we can test this.


  selector: 'minimal',
  template: `
      <p>@Input() value: {{value$ | async}}</p>
export class MinimalComponent {
  value$ = new ReplaySubject<string>(1);
  @Input() set value(v: string) {
    console.log('setter fired with:', v);

The setter for the value property is only called once, no matter how often we change the input value. Also a switch to ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush behaves in the same way.

The solution is to use the above explained push pipe to trigger change detection after the value arrived an the input binding:

    [value]="observable$ | push">

NOTICE Important to not here is that this external value change gets rendered also into the child components view. This means every change trigger over a input binding automatically works run zone-less.

Output Bindings

Output Bindings fire even without zone.js. Below you see the sample:

  selector: 'minimal',
  template: `
      <button (click)="update$.next($event)">trigger output</button>
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
export class MinimalComponent {
  update$ = new Subject();
  @Output() update = this.update$;

This means the function is fired in the parent. You can process it but if you want to render the value you again have to use the push pipe:

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
      <code>{{update$ | push}}</code>
export class AppComponent {
  update$ = new Subject();

  log(v) {
    console.log('processing possible:', v);

Dom Events

Similar to output bindings dom events work without zone.js. In the following example we see that the DOM event get's processed in setFocus.

  template: `
export class MinimalComponent {
  focus = false;
  setFocus($event) {
    console.log('setFocus triggered', $event);
    this.focus = $event;

If we want to render it we solve it in the same way as we did with output bindings. We simple use the push pipe.

  template: `
      focus: {{focused | push}}
export class MinimalComponent {
  focused = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);

  setFocus($event) {$event);

Another thing we could do is forward the state directly as output binding. Here we already know we dont need to care about change detection.

  template: `
      {{focused | async}}
export class MinimalComponent {
  @Output() focused = new BehaviorSubject<boolean>(false);

Now the parent has to take care about chane detection and we are out of the game ;). We can even use the async pipe because if change detection get's triggered from parent it will update.


Animations in general work fine. They only need to be triggered. When we process any value coming from input bindings everything animates properly. As mentioned before values from input bindings are our save path.

Here a example opening/closing a box over height transition:

  selector: 'app-open-close',
  animations: [
    trigger('openClose', [
      state('open', style({height: '200px'})),
      state('closed', style({height: '100px'})),
      transition('open => closed', [animate('1s')]),
      transition('closed => open', [animate('0.5s')]),
  template: `
      <div [@openClose]="isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'" class="open-close-container">
          <p>The box is now {{ _isOpen ? 'Open' : 'Closed' }}!</p>
  styles: [`
      .open-close-container {
          background-color: green;
export class OpenCloseComponent {
  @Input() isOpen: boolean;

As you can see to trigger the animation we use normal template bindings [@openClose]="_isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'", no push pipe needed.

If we want to trigger the animation on click without values over input bindings is stops working:

  selector: 'app-open-close',
  animations: [...],
  template: `
      <div (click)="toggle()" [@openClose]="isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'" class="open-close-container">
          <p>The box is now {{ isOpen ? 'Open' : 'Closed' }}!</p>
  styles: [...]
export class OpenCloseComponent {

  isOpen: boolean = true;

  toggle() {
    this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;


Here we need to introduce some changes. We could use the push pipe or trigger change detection based on dom events.

With the push pipe it looks like this:

  template: `
    <div (click)="toggle()" [@openClose]="(isOpen$ | push$) ? 'open' : 'closed'" class="open-close-container">
        <p>The box is now {{ (isOpen$ | push$) ? 'Open' : 'Closed' }}!</p>
export class OpenCloseComponent {

    isOpen$$ = new BehaviorSubject<any>('');
    isOpen$ = this.isOpen$$
      .pipe(scan(acc => !acc, false));
    toggle() {


The approach with events depends on the given situation. In best case we have access to the component and can implement a call of .detectChanges() if needed:

  template: `
      <div (click)="toggle()" [@openClose]="isOpen ? 'open' : 'closed'" class="open-close-container">
          <p>The box is now {{ isOpen ? 'Open' : 'Closed' }}!</p>
export class OpenCloseComponent {

  isOpen: boolean = true;
  toggle() {
    this.isOpen = !this.isOpen;;

  constructor(private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {


If this is not possible, think about third party components or directives, we need to go another path.

As the animation is triggered over a click event we can apply a event binding for the same event to our component from the parent view and trigger change detection from there.

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
      <app-open-close (click)="cd.detectChanges()"></app-open-close>
export class AppComponent {

  constructor(private ngZone: NgZone, private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {
    console.log('ngZone', this.ngZone);


To things are worth to mention here. First we can imaging when we have many different events that trigger animations (or other internal processes) we end up in a very long and bulky snippet.

Second this workaround is not working for all cases. Imagine a focus event would be a trigger. This would simply not work with the above solution.

Needs: Abstract change detection triggering of multiple events into a directive. The component can stay free from any additional imports or logic.

Internal Logic

We can run any kind of logic internally and don't have to think about zone.js. Communicate with services, other parts of the component. Only if we want to render something to the view we have to consider change detection.

As we already know how to use observables we put the data to render in a stream and use the push pipe to trigger rendering. This is exactly the same thing we nearly always did so far.

Let's look at a simple exampes where we render the actual time to the view:

  template: `{{time$ | push}}`,
export class MinimalComponent {
  time$ = new interval(1000)
    .pipe(map(_ => {
              const d = new Date();
              return d.getHours() + ":" + d.getMinutes() + ":" + d.getSeconds();

That easy. :)



Problems with WebComponents when Running Zone-Less

WebComponent Template bindings, output bindings, internal logic, dom events as well as animations behave in the same way as they do for normal Angular components.

The differences: Input bindings however, behave a bit different. We see no values entering until we trigger change detection. But this is not a big deal as we are already used to use the push pipe.

If we use it for input bindings it works: <web-component [value]="observable$ | push"><web-component>

General Overview of Explored Problems

General Timing Issues

As a lot of problems are related to timing issues this section is here to give a comlete overview of all the different types of issues.

Two different problems are occurring in multiple different situations:

  • Late Subscriber Problem
  • Early Producer Problem

The Late Subscriber Problem

Incoming values arrive before the subscription has happened.

For example state over @Input() decorators arrives before the view gets rendered and a used pipe could receive the value.

  selector: 'app-late-subscriber',
  template: `
    {{state$ | async | json}}
export class LateSubscriberComponent {
  state$ = new Subject();
  set state(v) {


We call this situation late subscriber problem. In this case, the view is a late subscribe to the values from '@Input()' properties. There are several situations from our previous explorations that have this problem:

  • Input Decorators
    • transporting values from @Input to AfterViewInit hook
    • transporting values from @Input to the view
    • transporting values from @Input to the constructor
  • Component And Directive Life Cycle Hooks
    • transporting OnChanges to the view
    • getting the state of any life cycle hook later in time (important when hooks are composed)
  • Local State
    • transporting the current local state to the view
    • getting the current local state for other compositions


All those problems boil down to 2 different solutions depending on the particular problem.

The Early Producer Problem

The subscription happens before any value can arrive.

For example, subscriptions to view elements the constructor happen before they ever exist. We call this situation early subscriber problem. In this case, the component constructor is an early subscribe to the events from '(click)' bindings.

All above decorators should rely on a generic way of wrapping a function or property as well as a way to configure the used Subject for multi-casting similar to multicast

In this way, it is easy to have a simplified public API but flexibility internally.

Decorators that:

  • rely on configurable multi-casting similar to multicast operator.
    this provides a generic configurable way for all cases

Sharing references


Convenient Way To Wire Things Together

As discussed in Automate boilerplate a lot of things that are related to angular can be solved by the right decorator. But there are other areas where we need to provide some solutions. A more general one than just life cycle hooks of a single component.

The problem of connecting all component bindings, global state, locally provided services, view events and The main reason here is getting the values over View elements that are instantiated later.


Automate Boilerplate

Automate boilerplate of setting up a subject and connecting it to a producer.

Here a configuration method for the type of Subject similar to the one from multicast would be nice.

In a majority of the cases, there was a need for abstracting away the boilerplate of setting up a subject and connecting it to the producer. A normal Subject was used in most of the cases. Some cases used a ReplaySunject or BeHaviorSubject to initialize the value. This was used to provide the latest value for a new subscriber.

Here we think one or many component property/method decorator can help.

Decorators that:

  • automatically use the right caching strategy i.e. replay
  • getter is hot by after the decorator fires i.e. subscription possible without considering life cycle hooks
  • setter accepts observables as values i.e. connecting a reactive radio group directly to a style property

Intuitive Way To Handle Timing Issues

Suggested Extensions

Based on the above listing and their needs we suggest a set of Angular extensions that should make it easier to set up a fully reactive architecture.

Extensions suggested:

  • Push Pipe
  • Multi Let Structural Directive
  • Observable Life Cycle Hooks
    • selectChange RxJS Operator
  • Observable Input Bindings
  • Observable Output Bindings
  • Observable Host Bindings
  • Observable Host Listener
  • Observable ViewChild/Children
  • Observable ContentChild/Children
  • Local State Management
    • selectSlices RxJS Operator
  • CdOn Directive

Push Pipe

An angular pipe similar to the async pipe but triggers detectChanges instead of markForCheck. This is required to run zone-less. We render on every pushed message. (currently, there is an isssue with the ChangeDetectorRef in ivy so we have to wait for the fix.

The pipe should work as template binding {{thing$ | push}} as well as input binding [color]="thing$ | push" and trigger the changes of the host component.

<div *ngIf="(thing$ | push) as thing">
  color: {{thing.color}}
  shape: {{thing.shape}}

<app-color [color]="(thing$ | push).color">

Included Features:

  • subscription handling overview life cycle
  • a unified way of handling null and undefined with streams
  • optional flag to turn off scheduling over AnimationFrameScheduler (on by default)
  • change detection is done manually which allows it to work zone-less too

Let Structural Directive

The *let directive serves a convenient way of binding multiple observables in the same view context. It also helps with several default processing under the hood.

The current way of handling subscriptions in the view looks like that:

<ng-container *ngIf="observable1$ | async as c">
  <app-color [color]="c.color" [shape]="c.shape" [name]="">

The *let directive take over several things and makes it more convenient and save to work with streams in the template *let="{o: o$, t: t$} as s;"

<!-- observables = { color: observable1$, shape: observable2$, name:  observable3$ } -->

<ng-container *let="observable as c">
  <app-color [color]="c.color" [shape]="c.shape" [name]="">

<ng-container *let="observable; let c">
  <app-color [color]="c.color" [shape]="c.shape" [name]="">

<ng-container *let="observable; color as c; shape as s; name as n">
  <app-color [color]="c" [shape]="s" [name]="n">

Included Features:

  • binding is always present. (*ngIf="{}" normally effects it)
  • it takes away the multiple usages of the async pipe
  • proper handling of null and undefined values
  • removes state slices if bound observable completes or errors
  • an option to disable scheduling over AnimationFrameScheduler (on by default)
  • control change detection and therefore can run zone-less

Observable Life Cycle Hooks

A property decorator which turns a lifecycle method into an observable and assigns it to the related property.

The decorator should work as a proxy for all life cycle hooks @hook$('onInit') onInit$; as well as forward passed values i.e. changes in from the OnChanges hook.

  @hook$('onInit') onInit$;
  @hook$('onDestroy') onDestroy$;

      map(_ =>,

Included Features

  • it handles late subscribers.
  • exposes only observables
  • respects single shot vs ongoing life cycles
  • subscription handling over the component lifetime
  • return the latest value when resubscribing

selectChanges RxJS Operator

An operators selectChanges to select one or many specific slices from SimpleChange. This operator can be used in combination with onChanges$.

It also provides a very early option to control the forwarded values.

Example of selectSlice operator

export class MyComponent {
  onChanges$: Observable<SimpleChanges>;

  @Input() state;
  state$ = this.onChanges$.pipe(getChange('state'));

Following things are done under the hood:

  • pull out currentValue from SimpleChanges object
  • optional it could have a parma for a custom comparison function

Observable Input Bindings

A property decorator which turns component or directive input binding into an observable and assigned it to the related property.

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<p>input: {{input$ | async}}</p>`,
export class ChildComponent  {

Following things are done under the hood:

  • It caches to consider late subscribers (life cycle hook related)
  • It is multicasted to avoid multiple subscriptions
  • It works with WebComponents and AngularComponents

Observable Output Bindings

A property decorator which turns a view event into an observable and assigns it to the related property.

The solution should work do most of his work in the component itself. Only a small piece in the template should be needed to link the view with the component property.

  selector: 'app-child',
  template: `<button #elem">clicks: {{count$ | async}}</button>`,
export class ChildComponent  {
  @FromView$('#elem', 'click')
  count$ =$.pipe(scan(a => ++a, 0));

Following things are done under the hood:

  • It makes it possible to subscribe to the property even before the view is rendered
  • It is multicasted to avoid multiple subscriptions
  • It works with DomElements, WebComponents, and AngularComponents

Here a link to a similar already existing ideas from @elmd_:

Local State Management

This extension is maybe the most interesting one. While we can

A tiny logic that combines:

  • values over input bindings
  • The component class internal state
  • state rendered to view
  • state from services.

A way to connect events from the view and component as observable.

constructor(private lS: LocalState<MyState>) {
    .connectSlice('num', interval(1000));
    .connectSlice('isNew', this.isNew$);
    .connectSlice('buttons', this.buttons$);

selectSlices RxJS Operator

A flexible way to query one or many state slices. It considers also a late subscriber.

An operators selectSlice to select a specific slice from the managed state. This operator can be used to get slices from this.lS$.

buttons$ = this.lS.state$
    selectChange(['state', 'substate'])

Following things are done under the hood:

  • it handles late subscribers with shareReplay(1)
  • it forwards only distinct values

CdOn Directive

The cdOn directive serves a convenient way of triggering change detection for multiple events. It is only used to solve edge cases in zone-less applications, by taking away bulky templates and externalizing ChangeDetectionRef handling.

The current way of workaround looks like that:


The cdOn directive take over the multiple bindings and reduce them to a single input binding. [cdOn]="['eventName']". Also the import of ChangeDetectionRef can be deleted now.


Included Features:

  • reduce template code
  • manage multiple events
  • manage multiple outputBindings
  • controls change detection for provided events
  • optional change detection is triggered over AnimationFrameScheduler

Integrating third part


Promise wrapper


Micro and Macro Architecture patterns


FormGroup as EventEmitter

There are situations where we have to compose multiple streams, compute new state and create a reference to some object, i.e. a FromGroup. This reference is then later on shared with multiple subscribers.

Such situations are handled by mutation a component property in imperative programming. In reactive programming, we solve this multicasting.

Problem of beeing shared references

  selector: 'app-sharing-a-reference',
  template: `
    <h2>Sharing a reference</h2>
    <form *ngIf="(formGroup$ | async$) as formGroup" [formGroup]="formGroup">
      <div *ngFor="let c of formGroup.controls | keyvalue">
        <input [formControlName]="c.key"/>
export class SharingAReferenceComponent {
  state$ = new ReplaySubject(1);
  set formGroupModel(value) {

  @Output() formValueChange = new EventEmitter();

  formGroup$: Observable<FormGroup> = combineLatest(this.state$, this.router.params)
      map(config =>
    private fb: FormBuilder,
    private router: ActivatedRoute
  ) {
        switchMap((fg: FormGroup) => fg.valueChanges)
      .subscribe(v => this.formValueChange.emit(v));

  preparingFormGroupConfig([modelFromInput, modelFromRouterParams]) {
    // override defaults with router params if exist
    return Object.entries({...modelFromInput, ...modelFromRouterParams})
      .reduce((c, [name, initialValue]) => ({...c, [name]: [initialValue]}), {});


As we see the provided example is not working. The reason for this is we subscribe multiple times to the formGroup$. One time in the template to render the form, the second time in the constructor to forward form value changes to the EventEmitter. Because the formGroup$ observable is cold (every subscriber receives a unique producer) we instantiate the FormGroup once per subscription.