
Demo app using Angular + ngrx + Firebase



NgrxFire is a redux demo app created with Angular ngrx and Firebase. Including Firebase Google OAuth and the Realtime Database.

Build your Angular ngrx on a Solid Foundation

Learn Angular ngrx Redux basics by building this app step-by-step.


Clone repository and prepare to build:

Use the following terminal commands to prepare to build your application:

  • git clone ngrxFire
  • cd ngrxFire
  • npm install

Create a Firebase account

  • Seed your Firebase database with sample post data:
 "posts" : {
 "testPost" : {
   "text" : "First Post [created in console]",
   "votes": 0
  • Gather your Firebase configuration information:
  • Create the environment file below /src/environments/environment.ts.
export const environment = {
  production: false,
  firebaseConfig: {
    apiKey: 'APIKEY',
    authDomain: '',
    databaseURL: '',
    storageBucket: ''
  • And finally ng serve

Additional Details

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.3.2.

It uses AngularFire2 v4.0

Available under the MIT License.