
Convex outfit builder


Convex "Outfit Builder" demo application.

Demo goals

This demonstration application is intended to show off the following features of Convex:

  • Typed schemas that have multiple tables with a one-to-many array based relationship
  • Cloud deployment
  • Cloud functions
  • Cloud internal functions
  • Integration with Clerk for authentication
  • NextJS RSC queries
  • Client side mutations and live updates


Initialize the .env.local:

# Deployment used by `npx convex dev`
CONVEX_DEPLOYMENT=********** # convex development deployment key

NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL=********** # convex development deployment cloud url
NEXT_PUBLIC_CONVEX_SITE_URL=********* # convex development deployment site url


npm i

In one terminal:

npx convex dev

In another terminal:

npm run dev

To seed the product inventory:

The seeding script uses the internal server function in convex/images.ts to operator. You'll need to copy that file from this repo into your project to use it. Once the products are seeded you can remove it.

Clear the existing products table in the Convex dashboard and run:

node scripts/seed.js


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