
♻️ Ecoleta - project built during the NLW-01. A marketplace of recyclable collection points.



💻Result of Code

This projet was created during Next Level Week, organized by RocketSeat. With some modifications proposed by teacher/presenter

🚀Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

⬇ Installing

💻Clone this project to your local machine

$ git clone *this repo link*


📁Open the file server/src/config/ip.config.ts

And set the local ip with the same IP in expo start in LAN mode

📁Open the server folder:

📊Create a DataBase
$ npm run knex:migrate
$ npm run knex:seed
🏃‍♂️Runing the backend
$ npm run dev

📁Open the web folder

🏃‍♂️Running front-end
$ npm start

📁Open the mobile folder

🏃‍♂️Running expo project
$ npm start

Built With