
In this comprehensive article, you'll learn how to set up a Node.js API Project with ExpressJs, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Redis, and Docker-compose. The API will run on an Express server and use Postgres for data storage.


Node.js API with Prisma, TypeScript, and PostgreSQL

Setup Node.js API with Prisma, TypeScript, and PostgreSQL

In this comprehensive article, you'll learn how to set up a Node.js API Project with ExpressJs, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Redis, and Docker-compose. The API will run on an Express server and use Postgres for data storage.

Topics Covered

  • Initialize a Prisma Project with Express.js
  • Generate a database schema with the Prisma CLI
  • Defining the User Model with Prisma
  • Database Migration with Prisma
  • Connect the ExpressJs App to the Redis Server
  • Connecting to PostgreSQL and Redis with MySQL VS Code Extension

Read the entire article here:

Node.js + Prisma + PostgreSQL: Access & Refresh Tokens

In this comprehensive article, you'll learn how to set up a Node.js API Project with ExpressJs, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Redis, and Docker-compose. The API will run on an Express server and use Postgres for data storage.

Topics Covered

  • JWT Authentication Example with Node.js, Prisma, and PostgreSQL
  • User Login and Registration Flow with JSON Web Tokens
  • Create the User Model with Prisma
  • Create Validation Schemas with Zod
  • Create Middleware to Parse Zod Schema
  • Password Management with Bcryptjs
  • Create Services to Interact with the Database
  • Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Create Authentication Controllers
  • Create User Controller
  • Create Authentication Middleware
  • Create Authentication Routes
  • Create User Routes
  • Add the Routes to the Middleware Stack
  • Database Migration with Prisma
  • Testing the JSON Web Token Authentication REST API

Read the entire article here:

CRUD API with Node.js and PostgreSQL: Send HTML Emails

In this article, you'll learn how to send HTML Emails with Node.js, Nodemailer, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Express, and Docker-compose. We'll create a generic class that can be used to send single or multiple emails at once by chaining the methods together.

Topics Covered

  • Send Emails with Node.js, Nodemailer, Prisma Overview
  • Setting up ExpressJs Templating Engine with Pug
  • Create a Utility Class to the Send Emails
    • Get the Nodemailer Credentials
    • Define the Email Class Attributes
    • Create a Nodemailer Transporter
    • Create a Method to Generate the Email Templates
    • Create a Method to Send the Emails
  • Creating the Email Templates with Pug
  • Run Prisma Migration to Update PostgreSQL Schema
  • Update the User Registration Controller to Send the Emails
  • Create a Route Handler to Verify the Email
  • Update the Login Controller

Read the entire article here:

API with Node.js, Prisma & PostgreSQL: Forget/Reset Password

In this article, you'll learn how to implement forget/reset passwords with Node.js, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Nodemailer, Redis, Docker-compose, and Pug. Also, you will learn how to dynamically generate HTML Email templates with Pug and send them via SMTP to the user's Email inbox.

Topics Covered

  • Forget/Reset Password Flow in Node.js
  • Update the Prisma User Model
  • Run the Prisma Migration Command to Update the Database
  • Update the Zod User Schema
  • Create Services to Query and Mutate the Database
  • Create a Utility Class to Send Emails
  • Create Controllers
    • Forgot Password Controller
    • Create the Password Reset Controller
  • Add the Routes to the Middleware Pipeline

Read the entire article here: