
A little prompt script calculating Winamax Score using NBA stats.


NodeJS NBA Winamax score calculator

A little prompt asking you to select a game and a user to calculate Winamax score.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need to install NodeJS on your local machine and clone this repository running:

git clone


First, install node modules running:

npm install


To run the prompt script, run:

npm start

It will run the index.ts file using ts-node library. If you want to run the compiled JavaScript file, simply run:

npm run start:oldschool

It will then ask you to enter a date and will look for NBA games. After selecting a game, select a player. The Winamax score will then be displayed.

Coding Style

This project has been set up with prettier.

Built With


This module uses semantic-release, please follow these instructions to contribute to the project or use npm run commit.

Extracted from project README
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