
Desktop app for developing a legal dictionary, built with TypeScript, Electron, Firebase and MongoDB. Work in progress!

MIT License



Desktop app for developing a legal dictionary and managing legal terminology.

Built with TypeScript/Node, Electron, Firebase and MongoDB.


Desktop app for:

  1. parsing entries from two giant legal dictionaries in DOCX โ†’ Parser
  2. displaying, editing and exploring interconnected entries โ†’ Client

The app is intended to facilitate the development of a bilingual legal dictionary.

๐Ÿšง Work in progress: The data conversion section of the app is complete, while the interface is under construction.


  • User interface built with Tailwind CSS (forthcoming!)
  • TypeScript/Electron client and IPC channels
  • Authentication via Google Sign In + Firebase
  • Embedded web content from third-party sources (forthcoming!)
  • Storage of user preferences and search history (forthcoming!)
  • Snappy DOCX-to-JSON parser in TypeScript/Node
  • Completely tested and documented conversion process


โ”œโ”€โ”€ client            # desktop app
โ”œโ”€โ”€ config            # credentials management
โ”œโ”€โ”€ db                # DB managers, models, JSON/DOCX data
โ”œโ”€โ”€ docs              # documentation materials
โ”œโ”€โ”€ services          # parsing logic and helpers
โ”œโ”€โ”€ utils
โ””โ”€โ”€ tests


  1. Install Node v10.15.1
  2. Clone repo and install dependencies.
  3. Set up Firestore and Firebase Auth: See below
  4. Set up MongoDB: See below

Firestore and Firebase Auth setup

  1. Go to the Firebase console and Add project
  2. Select Database from the left nav and Create database
  3. At the Firebase Console, go to Project Overview โ†’ + Add app โ†’ Web
  4. Name the web app and note down its apiKey, authDomain and projectId.

TODO: Write instructions for getting Google OAuth credentials.

  1. Create the following .env file at the /config dir.
# DOCX filepaths

# Firebase credentials

# Google OAuth credentials

MongoDB setup

  1. Install MongoDB Community Server, including MongoDB compass.
  2. In MongoDB compass, connect to mongodb://localhost:27017/.
  3. Create a db called normative and, inside it, create two collections: EnglishEntries and SpanishEntries
  4. Index both collections on the term field.

Project scripts

$ npm run [script]


Script Action
client Run the Electron client.
dev Run the Electron client while hot-reloading/recompiling any changes.
test Run ~30 unit tests for the parser.
css Optimize ./client/css/tailwind.css with PostCSS plugins, only in production.

JSON management

Script Action
conv:eng Convert the source English DOCX into a single JSON file and a summary file.
conv:spa Convert the source Spanish DOCX into a single JSON file and a summary file.
del:json:eng Delete all JSON files in the ./conversion/json/English directory.
del:json:spa Delete all JSON files in the ./conversion/json/Spanish directory.
log:entry:eng [term] Retrieve an English entry from JSON and log it to the console in pretty colors.
log:entry:spa [term] Retrieve a Spanish entry from JSON and log it to the console in pretty colors.

Firestore management

Script Action
imp:fire:eng Import the single English JSON file and summary into the EnglishEntries Firestore collection.
imp:fire:spa Import the single Spanish JSON file and summary into the SpanishEntries Firestore collection.
del:fire:eng Delete all English entries from the EnglishEntries Firestore collection.
del:fire:spa Delete all Spanish entries from the SpanishEntries Firestore collection.

MongoDB management

Script Action
imp:mongo:eng Import the single English JSON file and summary into the EnglishEntries MongoDB collection.
imp:mongo:spa Import the single Spanish JSON file and summary into the SpanishEntries MongoDB collection.
del:mongo:eng Delete all English entries from the EnglishEntries MongoDB collection.
del:mongo:spa Delete all Spanish entries from the SpanishEntries MongoDB collection.


Designed for efficiently parsing two giant English-Spanish and Spanish-English legal dictionaries in DOCX format, each containing over 90,000 entries with richly formatted fields such as term, translation, definition, note, classifiedUnder, classifiedInto, tantamountTo, differentFrom, derivedFrom, derivedInto and reference. Since the original DOCX files are proprietary, small samples of these files are included in the ./conversion/docx directory.

The conversion process maps MS Word styles to custom tags for four fields, transforms all entries into HTML, extracts the text of custom tagged and non-custom-tagged (i.e. "loose") fields, parses each entry into an Entry object, and saves them all as one or multiple JSON files. Italics and superscript are retained!

Test coverage for parser


The Client class controls the main process, spawns renderer processes and registers IPC channels for communication with the renderer processes. For now, the main process has three IPC channels registered for receiving and responding to requests from renderer processes: one for retrieving entries, one for retrieving summaries, and one for user login.

export default class Client {
	window: BrowserWindow | null;
	db: DB;

	constructor() {
		app.on("ready", this.createWindow);
		app.on("window-all-closed", this.onWindowAllClosed);
		app.allowRendererProcessReuse = true;

		this.db = new MongoDB("English");


	/**Sets up all the channels for handling events from the renderer process.*/
	registerIpcChannels() {
		const ipcChannels: IpcChannel[] = [
			new EntryChannel(this.db),
			new SummaryChannel(this.db),
			new AuthChannel()

		ipcChannels.forEach(channel =>
			ipcMain.on(, (event, argument?: string) =>
				channel.handle(event, argument)

	private createWindow() {
		// renderer process
		this.window = new BrowserWindow({
			width: 800,
			height: 600,
			resizable: false,
			webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true }

		this.window.loadURL("file://" + process.cwd() + "/client/index.html");

		this.window.on("closed", () => {
			this.window = null; // ensure destruction!

	private onWindowAllClosed = () => {
		if (process.platform === "darwin") return; // replicate macOS

IPC requests originating in the view are encapsulated in the Requester class used inside the renderer process. This class forwards the requests to the Client and promisifies (i.e. returns inside a Promise) the responses it receives.

export default class Requester {
	public request<T>(channel: string, term?: string): Promise<T> {
		ipcRenderer.send(channel, term);

		return new Promise(resolve => {
			ipcRenderer.on(channel, (event, response) => {


ยฉ 2020 Ivรกn Ovejero


Distributed under the MIT License. See