
An opinionated boilerplate for developing npm packages in 2024


TS NPM Package Boilerplate (2024)

This TypeScript NPM package boilerplate is designed to kickstart the development of TypeScript libraries for Node.js and the browser. It features a modern build setup with TypeScript, leveraging tsup for bundling and @changesets/cli for version management. The package exports a simple function as an example to demonstrate the setup.


  • TypeScript for type safety.
  • Biome for linting and formatting.
  • Dual package output (CommonJS and ESM) for compatibility.
  • Type definitions for TypeScript projects.
  • Automated build and release scripts.


  • Node.js v22.5.1 (ensure you have this version by using .nvmrc)
  • pnpm (Follow pnpm installation guide if you haven't installed it)
  • Biome for linting and formatting


Step 1: Clone the Boilerplate Repository

First, clone the existing repository simonorzel26/npm-package-boilerplate-2024 to your local machine. This step involves copying all the files from the original repository.

git clone <your-new-repository-name>
cd <your-new-repository-name>

Step 2: Remove the Existing Git History

Since you're creating a new project, you'll likely want to start with a clean history:

rm -rf .git

This command removes the .git directory which contains all the git history of the original repository.

Step 3: Initialize a New Repository

Now, initialize a new git repository:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit based on npm-package-boilerplate-2024"

Step 4: Create a New Repository on GitHub

Go to GitHub and create a new repository named <your-new-repository-name>. Do not initialize it with a README, .gitignore, or license since you are importing an existing project.

Step 5: Push to GitHub

Link your local repository to the GitHub repository and push the changes:

git remote add origin<your-username>/<your-new-repository-name>.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Replace <your-username> with your GitHub username.


To use this boilerplate for your project, clone the repository and install the dependencies.

pnpm install


After installation, you can start using the boilerplate to build your TypeScript library. Here's how to import and use the example function exported by this package:

import { foo } from 'your-package-name';

console.log(foo('Hello, world!'));


This package includes several scripts to help with development:

  • pnpm run build: Compiles the TypeScript source code and generates both CommonJS and ESM modules along with type definitions.
  • pnpm run lint: Runs TypeScript compiler checks without emitting code to ensure type safety.
  • pnpm run release: Bundles the package and publishes it to NPM with version management.

Adding New Functions

To add a new function, create a .ts file in the src directory. For example:

// src/newFunction.ts
export const newFunction = (): void => {
  // Implementation here

Then, export it from index.ts:

// src/index.ts
export * from './newFunction';


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or create an issue for any features, bug fixes, or improvements.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Simon Orzel