
Runtime dependencies, installed as if by magic ✨


πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ npx-import πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ

Runtime dependencies, installed as if by magic ✨

Β  Β 

npx-import can be used as a drop-in replacement for dynamic import():

import { npxImport } from 'npx-import'

// If big-dep isn't installed locally, npxImport will try
// to download, install & load it, completely seamlessly.
const dependency = await npxImport('big-dep')

It's exactly like npx, but for import()! (hence the name)

Is this a good idea? See FAQ below.


npx-import is ideal for deferring installation for dependencies that are unexpectedly large, require native compilation, or not used very often (or some combination thereof), for example:

// Statically import small/common deps as normal
import textRenderer from 'tiny-text-renderer'

// Use npxImport to defer
import { npxImport } from 'npx-import'

export async function writeToFile(report: Report, filename: string) {

  if (filename.endsWith('.png')) {
    console.log(`This is a PNG! We'll have to compile imagemagick!`)
    const { default: magick } = await npxImport('imagemagick-utils@^1.1.0')
    await magick.renderToPNG(report, filename)

  } else if (filename.endsWith('.pdf')) {
    console.log(`Argh, a PDF!? Go make a cuppa, this'll take a while...`)
    const { default: pdfBoi } = await npxImport('[email protected]')
    await pdfBoi.generate(report, filename)

  } else {
    console.log(`Writing to ${filename}...`)
    await textRenderer.write(report, filename)

When run, npx-import will log out some explanation, as well as instructions for installing the dependency locally & skipping this step in future:

❯ node ./index.js --filename=image.png

This is a PNG! We'll have to compile imagemagick!
[NPXI] imagemagick-utils not available locally. Attempting to use npx to install temporarily.
[NPXI] Installing... (npx -y -p imagemagick-utils@^1.1.0)
[NPXI] Installed into /Users/glen/.npm/_npx/8cac855b1579fd07/node_modules.
[NPXI] To skip this step in future, run: pnpm add -D imagemagick-utils@^1.1.0

For some types of dependencies, this is a much better UX than the alternatives:

  • You either add imagemagick-utils & chonk-pdf-boi as dependencies, slowing down initial install.
  • The first time a user tries to export a PNG/PDF, you error out with instructions to install the relevant package and retry.
  • You pause, prompt the user for confirmation, then try to detect which package manager they're using and auto-install the dependency for them.

The last of these generally works well but npx-import has slightly different properties:

  • The user doesn't need to be promptedβ€”if the dependency can be sourced, installed & transparently included, the program doesn't need to be interrupted.
  • Your user's current project directory is never altered as a side-effect of running a program.

Most importantly, though, it's compatible with npx! For example, npx some-cli --help can be super fast but npx some-cli export --type=pdf can transparently download the required dependencies during execution. It's super neat!


npm install --save npx-import
pnpm add -P npx-import
yarn add npx-import


Just like import(), the return type default to any. But you can import the types of a devDependency without any consumers of your package needing to download it at installation time.

pnpm add -D big-dep
import { npxImport } from 'npx-import'
type BigDepType = typeof import('big-dep')

const bigDep = await npxImport<BigDepType>('big-dep')


  • Since package versions are no longer tracked in your package.json, we recommend being explicit:
const lazyDep = await npxImport('[email protected]')

Any package specifier that's valid in package.json will work here: e.g. ^1.0.0, ~2.3.0, >4.0.0, @latest, @next, etc.

Note: there is a speed benefit from using exact versions. npxImport([email protected]) will run npx --prefer-offline under the hood, making it faster after the first run (since it doesn't first check the NPM registry for newer versions).

  • You can also install multiple packages at once:
const [depA, depB] = await npxImport(['[email protected]', '[email protected]'])

npx-import also takes a third argument, which lets you customise, or silence, the log output. Each line that would normally be printed is passed to the logger function:

const grayLog = (line: string) => console.log(chalk.gray(line))
const [depA, depB] = await npxImport(['[email protected]', '[email protected]'], grayLog)
  • Use npxResolve instead of require.resolve to get the path (local or temporary)
export function getSQLiteNativeBindingLocation() {
  return path.resolve(

Note, npxResolve requires that you'd previously called npxImport for the same package.


πŸ€” Isn't this, like, a heroically bad idea?

Nah it's good actually.

🀨 No but seriously, isn't using npx a big security hole?

Initially, npx didn't prompt before downloading and executing a package, which was definitely a security risk. But that's been fixed since version 7. Now, if you're intending to write npx prettier to format your code and accidentally type npx prettomghackmycomputerpls, you'll get a helpful prompt:

❯ npx prettier@latest
Need to install the following packages:
  [email protected]
Ok to proceed? (y)

This gives the user a chance to see their mistake and prevent being hacked to bits.

😠 But hang on, you're never prompting the user to confirm!

Ah yes, that seems to go against the previous point. But npx-import isn't being triggered from a potentially clumsy human on a keyboard, it's running inside some source code you've (by definition) already authorised to run on your machine.

npx-import is an alternative to publishing these as normal dependencies of your project and having your users download them at install time. npm install doesn't prompt the user to approve every transitive dependency of what's being installed/run, so npx-import doesn't either.

🧐 What if the user has already installed the dependency somewhere?

Then npxImport short-circuits, returning the local version without logging anything out. This is what the user is instructed to do to "skip this step in future". In other words, npxImport() first tries to call your native import(), and only does anything if that fails.

Note that this also works for multiple dependencies, npxImport(['pkg-a', 'pkg-b', 'pkg-c']) will only fetch & install those that are missing.

πŸ€ͺ Doesn't this mean dependencies gets repeatedly downloaded & installed?

No! npx maintains a cache in the user's home directory. If a cached package is found, npx will (by default) hit NPM to check if there's any new versions for that specifier, and if not, return the cache. npxImport adds a small optimisationβ€”if you specify an exact package version (e.g. @7.8.2), it'll run npx --prefer-offline to skip the NPM check.

So new packages are only downloaded & installed when:

  • It's the first time a particular package/version combo is seen (see next section)
  • No locked version was provided and there's a new version on NPM

πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« What about multiple projects? Doesn't the cache mean projects can clobber/overwrite/conflict with each other?

As it turns out, no! While I wasn't paying attention, npx got really smart! To understand why, we need to look at how npx works:

For starters, npx some-pkg is a shorthand for npx -p some-pkg <command>, where <command> is whatever bin that some-pkg declares. Often, the <command> and the package name are the same (e.g. npx prettier), but it's the bin field inside the package that's really being used. Otherwise, scoped packages (like npx @11ty/eleventy) would never work. If there's no bin field declared (e.g. for chokidar, you need npx chokidar-cli), or if there's more than one (e.g. for typescript, you need npx -p typescript tsc), you have to use the expanded form.

But there's no requirement that <command> is a bin inside the package at all! It can be any command (at least for npx, pnpm dlx and yarn dlx have different restrictions), for example, we can inject a node -e command and start to learn about what's going on:

❯ npx -y -p is-odd node -e 'console.log(process.env.PATH.split(":"))' | grep .npm/_npx

Using process.env.PATH and searching for .npm/_npx is, on OSX with NPX v8+, a reliable way to find out where npx is installing these temporary packages. Let's look inside:

❯ ll2 /Users/glen/.npm/_npx/e1b5bd0eb9f99fbc/
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:07 ο„• /Users/glen/.npm/_npx/e1b5bd0eb9f99fbc
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:07 β”œβ”€β”€  node_modules
.rw-r--r--  780 glen  4 Aug 11:07 β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ ξ˜‹ .package-lock.json
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:07 β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ ο„• is-number
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:07 β”‚  └── ο„• is-odd
.rw-r--r-- 1.4k glen  4 Aug 11:07 β”œβ”€β”€ ξ˜‹ package-lock.json
.rw-r--r--   51 glen  4 Aug 11:07 └── ξ˜‹ package.json

❯ cat /Users/glen/.npm/_npx/e1b5bd0eb9f99fbc/package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "is-odd": "^3.0.1"

That looks like a pretty normal project directory to me!

Aside, ll2 is my super rad alias for exa --icons -laTL 2. See exa.

Now, the crucial bit: every time npx runs for some unique set of packages it creates a new directory. That goes for installing multiple deps at once but also for different named/pinned versions/tags for individual packages:

❯ export LOG_NPX_DIR="node -e 'console.log(process.env.PATH.split(\":\").filter(p => p.match(/\.npm\/_npx/)))'"

❯ npx -y -p is-odd $LOG_NPX_DIR
[ '/Users/glen/.npm/_npx/e1b5bd0eb9f99fbc/node_modules/.bin' ]

❯ npx -y -p is-odd@latest $LOG_NPX_DIR
[ '/Users/glen/.npm/_npx/ecc6e2260c717fec/node_modules/.bin' ]

❯ npx -y -p [email protected] $LOG_NPX_DIR
[ '/Users/glen/.npm/_npx/c41e9ab9d1d9c43f/node_modules/.bin' ]

❯ npx -y -p is-odd@\^3.0.1 $LOG_NPX_DIR
[ '/Users/glen/.npm/_npx/e86896689f5aebbb/node_modules/.bin' ]

Note that every one of these commands downloaded the same version of is-odd, but because they were referenced using different identifiers, _ vs latest vs 3.0.1 vs >3.0.1, npx played it safe and made a new temporary directory.

For multiple packages, the same rule applies, although order is not important:

❯ npx -y -p is-odd -p is-even $LOG_NPX_DIR
[ '/Users/glen/.npm/_npx/f9af4fded130fd33/node_modules/.bin' ]

❯ npx -y -p is-even -p is-odd $LOG_NPX_DIR
[ '/Users/glen/.npm/_npx/f9af4fded130fd33/node_modules/.bin' ]

❯ ll2 /Users/glen/.npm/_npx/f9af4fded130fd33
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:37 ο„• /Users/glen/.npm/_npx/f9af4fded130fd33
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”œβ”€β”€  node_modules
.rw-r--r-- 2.6k glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ ξ˜‹ .package-lock.json
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ ο„• is-buffer
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ ο„• is-even
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ ο„• is-number
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”‚  β”œβ”€β”€ ο„• is-odd
drwxr-xr-x    - glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”‚  └── ο„• kind-of
.rw-r--r-- 4.8k glen  4 Aug 11:37 β”œβ”€β”€ ξ˜‹ package-lock.json
.rw-r--r--   76 glen  4 Aug 11:37 └── ξ˜‹ package.json

❯ cat /Users/glen/.npm/_npx/f9af4fded130fd33/package.json
  "dependencies": {
    "is-even": "^1.0.0",
    "is-odd": "^3.0.1"

So npx is doing exactly the same as an npm install, with a package.json, package-lock.json, node_modules etc. It's just dynamically creating directories based on some hash of its inputs. So the only way two projects can use the same package in the cache is if they both ask for exactly the same packages & versions. It's super clever!

😐 But what about transitive deps? Won't you get duplication?

Sadly, yes. If both your package main-pkg and util-a depend on util-b, then calling npxImport('util-a') from within main-pkg will create a new directory with a second copy of util-b. If there are globals in that package, or if the version specifiers are slightly different, you could potentially have problems.

It's probably possible to detect this in future and warn/error out. But for now, I recommend using npxImport for mostly self-contained dependencies.

🫀 What about version mismatch with local files?

If a user has pkg-a version 1.0.0 installed, but one of their packages calls npxImport('pkg-a@^2.0.0'), npxImport isn't smart enough (yet) to know that the local version of pkg-a doesn't match the version range specified (since it's using native import() under the hood). Without npxImport, the npm install step would have had a chance to bump the installed version of pkg-a to meet the requirements of all packages being used, but we're bypassing that.

This will be fixed in a future version.

🫠 What kind of packages would you use this for?

  • Anything with native extensions needing building (do that when you need it)
  • Packages with large downloads (e.g. puppeteer, sqlite-node)
  • CLI packages that want to make npx my-cli --help or npx my-cli init really fast and dependency-free, but also allow npx my-cli <cmd> to pull in arbitrary deps on-demand, without forcing the user to stop, create a local directory, and install dev dependencies.
  • Anything already making heavy use of npx. You're in the jungle, baby.

Built with <3 during a massive yak shave by Glen Maddern.