
Demo repo of using Nx + React + Storybook



This is a small demo app showcasing Nx + React + Storybook.

Tour and Remarks

The monorepo basically consists of a launch-pad React application and 3 libraries:

  • control-panel: basically contains the launch button for the Rocket
  • rocket: the actual rocket UI
  • interstellar-styles: the common styles referenced via the stylePreprocessorOptions options in the workspace.json. This "lib" serves as the place where to have the workspace common styles.

The libraries are generated via the Nx generator for React libraries:

$ yarn nx g @nrwl/react:lib ...

Storybook support can be added to libraries by first installing @nrwl/storybook and then generating storybook config for the given project. For example:

$ yarn nx g @nrwl/react:storybook-configuration rocket

The above comand adds Storybook support to the rocket library with options to automatically generate Stories as well. Note, stories can also be generated at a later point by using the stories generator (recommended way to discover these generators is to use the VSCode Nx Console).

The interesting part of Nx is how it integrates in this case React + Storybook + Cypress, and makes the configuration as seamless as possible.

For the video - don't put too much emphasis on the actual configuration of storybook (e.g. the content in main.js and webpack.config.js). Those are about to change soon and getting simplified a lot.

Setup & Running the project

Clone the repo and run yarn to install the dependencies.

Launching the App

Just use yarn start to run the app. Alternative to use the full command use yarn nx serve launchpad

Launching Storybook

There are two Nx libraries, both of them have Storybook set up. Here's how to run the storybook for each of them.

The command to launch Storybook with Nx is

$ yarn nx storybook <project-name>
$ yarn nx run <project-name>:storybook

Both ways work. So for this repo that'd would be:

$ yarn nx storybook rocket
$ yarn nx storybook control-panel

Running Cypress e2e tests for Storybook

Nx can automatically setup Cypress to test your Storybook stories. The generic command to run Cypress tests is

$ yarn nx run <project-name>-e2e:e2e

In this specific repo there are Cypress e2e tests for both, the control-panel library as well as rocket library. They are both grouped under the apps/storybook-e2e/... folder.

Thus running them can be done like:

$ yarn nx e2e storybook-e2e-control-panel-e2e
$ yarn nx e2e storybook-e2e-rocket-e2e

Note: the automatically generated launchpad-e2e can be ignored.