Next.js with Auth.js

A Next.js starter project set up with Auth.js for user authentication and protected routes. The project includes:

  • Husky: Pre-configured for Git hooks to enforce code quality before commits.
  • Playwright: Installed for end-to-end (e2e) testing to ensure application functionality.
  • ESLint and Prettier: Configured for consistent code formatting and linting.
  • shadcn/ui: Integrated as the primary UI component library.
  • Tailwind CSS: Used for styling, offering rapid and responsive design capabilities.
  • Nx: Set up for monorepo management, streamlining project organization and scalability.
  • Serverless Redis: Integrated for authentication, compatible with Upstash Redis, ensuring
    fast and scalable session storage.

This starter is equipped with a robust development environment and a complete toolset for building scalable, maintainable applications with smooth authentication and testing setups.

Extracted from project README
Deploy on Railway