
MIT License


Oak Middleware Validator

Oak middleware for parameter and body validator


  • As a router middleware

    import { validatorMiddleware, ValidatorMiddlewareOptions } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/halvardssm/oak-middleware-validator/master/mod.ts"
    import { RouterMiddleware } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts";
    const router = new Router();
    const app = new Application();
    const options: ValidatorMiddlewareOptions = {
      validations: [
        { key: "a", validationOption: "string", isUrlParam: true },
        { key: "b", validationOption: "b", isOptional: true },
        { key: "c", validationOption: validateStringIn("b") },
        { key: "d", validationOption: validateIsNumber(0, 1) },
      bodyRequired: true,
      errorMessages: {
        ERROR_NO_BODY: "Custom message"
      .get("/bar", validatorMiddleware(options),...)
    await app.listen(appOptions);


  • validations: ValidationT[]; // Array of validations
  • bodyRequired?: boolean; // If true, will return error if body is empty
  • bodyType?: BodyType; // Will validate the body against a provided body type
  • errorMessages?: Partial; // Customize your own error messages


  • key: string; // The key
  • validationOption: ValidationFn | string; // The validation function, also accepts a typeof or a string to compare strings
  • isOptional?: boolean; // Will allow the key to be missing
  • isUrlParam?: boolean; // Will check the url instead of the body


  • ERROR_NO_BODY: "No body was provided",
  • ERROR_INVALID_BODY: "Invalid body type",
  • ERROR_MISSING_REQUIRED: "No value was provided",
  • ERROR_VALIDATION_FAILED: "Validation failed",
  • ERROR_NOT_IN_ARRAY: "Value not in array",
  • ERROR_NUMBER_MIN: "Value is smaller than the allowed size",
  • ERROR_NUMBER_MAX: "Value is larger than the allowed size"


  key: string, // The key
  value: string | Uint8Array, // The value
  validationError: ValidationErrorFn, // The validation error callback
  errorMessages: ErrorMessagesT, // Exposes the error messages
  options: ValidatorMiddlewareOptions // Exposes the options
) => void

Available validation methods

  • validateStringInArray(...values: string[]) // Checks if the value is in the array
  • validateIsNumber(min?: number, max?: number, radix?: number) // Checks if the value is a number, and if min/max is given it compares them inclusively


All contributions are welcome, make sure to read the contributing guidelines.
