
MIT License


Old Note Admonitor

This Obsidian plugin shows admonitions if the note has not been updated for over specific days.

👥 For users

⏬ Install

You can download via Community plugins > Browse.

⚙ Settings

Message template

If today is 2022-09-11 and the date on the note is 2022-09-01,

  • It shows 10 days passed! if you set ${numberOfDays} days passed!
  • It shows 10 days passed since 2022-09-01 if you set ${numberOfDays} days passed since ${date}

Default: The following content hasn't been updated in the last ${numberOfDays} days

Date to be referred

The setting is to decide what to reference the date from.

  • Modified time
  • Front matter
  • Capture group

Default: Modified time

Modified time

File last modified date ( = TFile.stat.mtime).

Front matter

The Front matter key option can specify any key name.

Default: updated

Capture group

If you set ^// updated: (?<date>[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}) to Capture group pattern, the date is extracted as follows.

Default: ^// (?<date>[0-9]{4}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2})

Min number of days to show a warning

If today is 2022-09-11 and the date on the note is 2022-09-01.

  • It shows warnings if you set 10 or over
  • It doesn't show warnings if you set it under 10

Default: 180

Trigger to update

  • On open file: Update a warning after switching an active file
  • On open or save file: Update a warning after switching an active file or (auto) saving a file

Exclude prefix path patterns

If set, It doesn't show a warning in the file whose path starts with one of the patterns. It can set multi patterns by line breaks.

For example, You want to ignore the following files.

  • Daily Report/10/2022-10-01.md
  • Daily Report/10/2022-10-02.md
  • Daily Report/11/2022-11-05.md
  • Daily Report/11/2022-11-06.md

You have to set

Daily Report/


Daily Report/10/
Daily Report/11/

🎨 Styles

You can customize the style of admonitions by editing the following classes.

  • .old-note-admonitor__old-note-container
  • .old-note-admonitor__old-note-container:before
  • .old-note-admonitor__old-note-container__warning
  • .old-note-admonitor__old-note-container__warning:before
  • .old-note-admonitor__old-note-container__error
  • .old-note-admonitor__old-note-container__error:before

For details, please show style.css.

🖥️ For developers


task init
task dev


task release VERSION=1.2.3