
Our solution for Go-Links. MIT License


This is a Go-Link service built on top with NodeJS, HTML5/CSS/Bootstrap.


  1. Install the right nodejs version (and right python version e.g. python3.10) and do npm install
  2. Run the following
npm run build
npm run dev

Deploy your own instance

  1. Create and config your MongoDB instance. We recommend using mLab from Heroku Credentials
  2. Create your Google Analytics instance, take down Tracking ID
  3. Create your Auth0 account and take down the client id, client secret, domain and callback url.
  4. Create .env file. You can use heroku-dotenv to push to your heroku instance if you are deploying on Heroku.

Security Rules

  1. A goLink could be created without login.
  2. A goLink could only be updated with login.


We welcome contributions. Send us Pull Request.