


Access 3rd party REST service with OpenAPI spec

We're going to show how to access 3rd party REST APIs using LoopBack OpenAPI connector in LoopBack 4 application. The Swagger Petstore REST APIs will be used in this example. Make sure you run the following steps in an existing LB4 application.

Step 0: Workaround - Save and modify the Petstore OpenAPI spec

The OpenAPI spec for the Petstore is located at: Instead of using URL directly, we need to modify the server property of the OpenAPI spec. Otherwise, the error 500 Error: only absolute urls are supported error. will occur.

  1. Create a file called petstore.json at the root directory of the project.
  2. Copy and paste the Petstore OpenAPI spec to `petstore.json.
  3. In petstore.json, find the servers property and modify:
"servers": [{"url": "/api/v3"}],


 "servers": [{"url": ""}],

Step 1: Create a Datasource with OpenAPI connector

Run the DataSource generator with the OpenAPI connector.

$ lb4 datasource
? Datasource name: ds
? Select the connector for ds: OpenAPI (supported by StrongLoop)
? HTTP URL/path to Swagger spec file (file name extension .yaml/.yml or .json):
? Validate spec against Swagger spec 2.0?: No
? Security config for making authenticated requests to API:
? Use positional parameters instead of named parameters?: No
   create src/datasources/ds.datasource.config.json
   create src/datasources/ds.datasource.ts

Step 2: Create a Service to interact with the DataSource

Run the Service generator with the Remote service proxy backed by a data source option.

$ lb4 service
? Service type: Remote service proxy backed by a data source
? Please select the datasource DsDatasource
? Service name: PetStoreService
   create src/services/pet-store-service.service.ts
   update src/services/index.ts

Service PetStoreService was created in src/services/

Step 3: Add the functions map to the OpenAPI operations in the PetStoreService

In this example, the PetStoreService maps to two of the endpoints / operations in the OpenAPI spec: addPet and getPetById.

In src/services/pet-store-service.service.ts, we are going to add two functions in the PetStoreService interface. The corresponding classes for the return types are created.

Step 4: Create endpoints in PetStoreController

Run lb4 controller command.

$ lb4 controller
? Controller class name: PetStore
Controller PetStore will be created in src/controllers/pet-store.controller.ts

? What kind of controller would you like to generate? Empty Controller
   create src/controllers/pet-store.controller.ts
   update src/controllers/index.ts

Controller PetStore was created in src/controllers/

In src/controllers/pet-store.controller.ts:

  1. Add a constant PetSchema which will be used when defining the endpoints.

    export const PetSchema = {
      type: 'object',
      required: ['id'],
      properties: {
        id: {type: 'number'},
        name: {type: 'string'},
  2. Inject the PetStoreService

    export class PetStoreController {
        protected petStoreService: PetStoreService,
      ) {}
      // ...
  3. Add the two functions createPet and findPetById. See src/controllers/pet-store.controller.ts for details.