

Steps of building up this project from scratch

  1. Prepare environment

    1. install Node.js
    2. install expo
      npm install -g expo-cli
    3. install yarn
      npm install -g yarn
  2. Setup empty project

    cd <SOURCE_ROOT>
    expo init . -t expo-template-blank-typescript


    • <SOURCE_ROOT> refers to the root folder of the source code, which is where this README.md file sits.
  3. Install onnxruntime-react-native

    expo install onnxruntime-react-native@dev
  4. Add your ONNX model to project

    1. Put the file under <SOURCE_ROOT>/assets.

      In this tutorial, we use the ORT format ONNX model of MNIST (mnist.ort).

    2. add a new file metro.config.js under <SOURCE_ROOT> and add the following lines to the file:

      const { getDefaultConfig } = require('@expo/metro-config');
      const defaultConfig = getDefaultConfig(__dirname);
      module.exports = defaultConfig;

      This step adds extension ort to the bundler's asset extension list, which allows the bundler to include the model into assets.


    • There are multiple ways to load model using ONNX Runtime for React Native. In this tutorial, model is built into the app as an asset. See also [other tutorial][TBD]
    • It's required to use a ORT format model (ie. a model file with .ort extension). See also [links to ORT format model][TBD]
  5. Setup Android and iOS project.

    In this step, we setup the generated Android/iOS project to consume ONNX Runtime. There are 2 ways to setup the project:

    • (recommended) using NPM package onnxruntime-react-native as an expo plugin.

      1. In <SOURCE_ROOT>/app.json, add the following line to section expo:
        "plugins": ["onnxruntime-react-native"],
      2. Run the following command in <SOURCE_ROOT> to generate Android and iOS project:
        expo prebuild

      The generated project files will be updated automatically.

    • setup manually.

      1. Run the following command in <SOURCE_ROOT> to generate Android and iOS project:

        expo prebuild


        • Expo will ask the Android package name and iOS bundle identifier. In this tutorial we use com.example.helloworld as package name and bundle identifier.
        • The package name (Android) and bundle ID (iOS) will be added in your <SOURCE_ROOT>/app.json automatically by expo.
      2. Add onnxruntime-react-native to gradle depencencies.

        In <SOURCE_ROOT>/android/app/build.gradle, add the following line to section dependencies:

        implementation project(':onnxruntime-react-native')
      3. Add onnxruntime-react-native to CocoaPods dependencies.

        In <SOURCE_ROOT>/ios/Podfile, add the following line to section target 'OrtReactNativeHelloWorld':

        pod 'onnxruntime-react-native', :path => '../node_modules/onnxruntime-react-native'

        Run the following command in <SOURCE_ROOT>/ios to install:

        pod install
  6. Add code in App.tsx to use onnxruntime-react-native.

    Please refer to the file content for details.

  7. Run the following command to launch:

    In <SOURCE_ROOT>, run the following command to launch for Android

    expo run:android

    In <SOURCE_ROOT>, run the following command to launch for iOS

    expo run:ios