Access a direct feed of your tips with WebSockets

ISC License



Access a direct feed of your tips with WebSockets.

Unofficial package for |'s Developer Documentation

⚠️ The WebSockets feed is currently in Beta and subject to change.


Node or Browser

npm install


Available as Pally on the global object.

<script src=""></script>


import Pally from '';
const client = new Pally.Client({ auth: 'YOUR_API_KEY' });



You will need an API key with the events:read scope (default) to access the API.

Get your API key.


import Pally from '';
const client = new Pally.Client({ auth: 'YOUR_API_KEY' });


client.on('connect', () => {
	setTimeout(() => client.sendTest(), 500);

client.on('campaigntip.notify', (campaignTip, page) => {
	const { grossAmountInCents, displayName, message } = campaignTip;
	const amount = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' })
		.format(grossAmountInCents / 100);
	console.log(`New tip! ${amount} from ${displayName}: ${message}`);



Enables connecting to the WebSockets feed.

The Client extends a basic, typed EventEmitter.

Constructor new Client(options: ClientOptions)


auth: string

  • Required

Your API key. Get your API key.

channel?: 'firehose' | 'activity-feed'

  • Default: 'firehose'

The type of channel to connect to from the options.

  • 'firehose' is the default and is used for general tips.
  • 'activity-feed' is used for tips on a specific page.

room?: string

  • Required: When channel is 'activity-feed'

The room to connect to from the options. This is the slug of the page you want to receive tips for.


connect(): void

Connect to the WebSockets feed.

close(): void

Disconnect from the WebSockets feed.

sendTest(): void

Ask the server to echo a test message. This is useful for testing your connection and events. The 'campaigntip.notify' event will be emitted with a test payload. The payload will be the same each time. The tip ID will be 'TEST'.

Alternatively, you can press the "Replay Alert" button in the activity feed.


Used with client.on(eventName, (/* ... */) => void) to listen for events.

on('connect', () => void)

Emitted when the client has successfully connected to the WebSockets feed.

on('close', (event: CloseError) => void)

Emitted when the connection has been closed.

on('reconnecting', () => void)

Emitted when the client is about to attempt to reconnect.

on('error', (event: Error) => void)

Emitted when a socket error occurred.

on('pong', (latencyMs: number) => void)

Emitted when a pong is received from the server. The latencyMs is the time in milliseconds it took to receive the pong from the server.

on('campaigntip.notify', (campaignTip: CampaignTip, page: Page) => void)

Emitted when a new tip has been received. The campaignTip includes details about the tip, and the page includes details about the page the tip was received on.


interface ClientOptions

auth: string

Your API key. Required.

channel?: 'firehose' | 'activity-feed'

The channel to connect to.

  • 'firehose' - The firehose feed sends all tips for all pages you own. Default.
  • 'activity-feed' - The activity feed sends all tips for a specific page you own or have access to.

room?: string

The specific activity feed "slug" to listen to. This is only required if the channel is set to `'activity-feed', otherwise it is ignored.

keepalive?: KeepaliveOptions

Options for keepalive.

interface KeepaliveOptions

intervalSeconds?: number

The interval in seconds at which to send a ping to the server.

pingTimeoutSeconds?: number

The number of seconds to wait for a pong response before closing the connection and reconnecting.

interface CampaignTip

id: string

The unique identifier for the tip.

createdAt: Date

The date and time the tip was created.

updatedAt: Date

The date and time the tip was last updated.

grossAmountInCents: number

The gross amount of the tip in cents.

netAmountInCents: number

The net amount of the tip in cents.

processingFeeInCents: number

The processing fee of the tip in cents.

displayName: string

The name of the tipper.

message: string

The message attached to the tip.

interface Page

id: string

The unique identifier for the page.

slug: string

The slug of the page.

title: string

The title of the page.

url: string

The URL of the page.