
Parallel/concurrent async work, optionally using multiple threads or processes

MIT License



Parallel/concurrent async work, optionally using multiple processes


parallel-park exports two functions: runJobs and inChildProcess.


runJobs is kinda like Promise.all, but instead of running everything at once, it'll only run a few Promises at a time (you can choose how many to run at once). It's inspired by Bluebird's function.

To use it, you pass in an iterable (array, set, generator function, etc) of inputs and a mapper function that transforms each input into a Promise. You can also optionally specify the maximum number of Promises to wait on at a time by passing an object with a concurrency property, which is a number. The concurrency defaults to 8.

When using an iterable, if the iterable yields a Promise (ie. returns { done: false, value: Promise }), then the yielded Promise will be awaited before being passed into your mapper function. Additionally, async iterables are supported; if returns a Promise, it will be awaited.

import { runJobs } from "parallel-park";

const inputs = ["alice", "bob", "carl", "dorsey", "edith"];
const results = await runJobs(
  async (name, index, inputsCount) => {
    // Do whatever async work you want inside this mapper function.
    // In this case, we use a hypothetical "getUser" function to
    // retrieve data about a user from some web API.
    console.log(`Getting fullName for ${name}...`);
    const user = await getUser(name);
    return user.fullName;
  // This options object with concurrency is an optional argument.
  // If unspecified, it defaults to { concurrency: 8 }
    // This number specifies how many times to call the mapper
    // function before waiting for one of the returned Promises
    // to resolve. Ie. "How many promises to have in-flight concurrently"
    concurrency: 2,
// Logs these two immediately:
// Getting fullName for alice...
// Getting fullName for bob...
// But, it doesn't log anything else yet, because we told it to only run two things at a time.
// Then, after one of those Promises has finished, it logs:
// Getting fullName for carl...
// And so forth, until all of them are done.

// `results` is an Array of the resolved value you returned from your mapper function.
// The indices in the array correspond to the indices of your inputs.
// Logs:
// [
//   "Alice Smith",
//   "Bob Eriksson",
//   "Carl Martinez",
//   "Dorsey Toth",
//   "Edith Skalla"
// ]


inChildProcess is a function that you pass a function into, and it spawns a separate node process to run your function in. Once your function has completed, its return/resolved value will be sent back to the node process you called inChildProcess from.

import { inChildProcess } from "parallel-park";

const result = await inChildProcess(() => {
  return 2 + 2;

console.log(result); // 4

Your function can also return a Promise:

// Either by returning a Promise directly...
await inChildProcess(() => {
  return Promise.resolve(2 + 2);

// Or by using an async function, which returns a Promise that resolves to the function's return value
await inChildProcess(async () => {
  return 2 + 2;

⚠️ NOTE: The return value of your function must be JSON-serializable, or else it won't make it across the gap between the parent node process and the child one.

The function you pass into inChildProcess will be executed in a separate node process; as such, it won't be able to access variables defined in the file calling inChildProcess:

const myName = "Lily";

await inChildProcess(() => {
  // Throws an error: myName is not defined
  return myName + "!";

To work around this, you can pass an object into inChildProcess as its first argument, before the function. When called this way, the function will receive that object:

await inChildProcess({ myName: "Lily" }, (data) => {
  const myName = data.myName;

  // No longer throws an error
  return myName + "!";

It's common to use object shorthand and destructuring syntax when passing values in:

const myName = "Lily";

await inChildProcess({ myName }, ({ myName }) => {
  return myName + "!";

⚠️ NOTE: The values in your input object must be JSON-serializable, or else they won't make it across the gap between the parent node process and the child one.

Because the inputs have to be JSON-serializable, you may run into an issue if trying to use an external module within the child process:

const util = require("util");

await inChildProcess({ util }, ({ util }) => {
  const someData = { something: true };
  // Throws an error: util.inspect is not a function
  return util.inspect(someData);

To work around this, call require inside the child process function:

await inChildProcess(() => {
  const util = require("util"); // the require is inside the function now

  const someData = { something: true };

  // No longer throws an error
  return util.inspect(someData);

If you want to use the external module both inside of the child process and outside of it, require it in both places:

const util = require("util");

await inChildProcess(() => {
  const util = require("util");

  const someData = { something: true };

  // No longer throws an error
  return util.inspect(someData);

The require inside of the child process can also be used to load stuff from your own code into the child process:

const file = "/home/lily/hello.txt";

await inChildProcess({ file }, async ({ file }) => {
  const processFile = require("./process-file");

  const results = await processFile(file);
  return results;
