
wrapper that supports most string operations but keeps track of its location in a file and can underline it in context

MIT License



string wrapper that keeps track of its original location in a file


import { Segment } from 'parse-segment'

const data = new Segment({
  value: `no matter how you slice
this, it still knows where
it came from
  source: 'foo.txt',

console.log(data.substring(32, 39).trim().underlineInContext())


this, it still knows where



Represents a string value plus information about its location in a source file. Segment has the same methods as JS strings, but its methods instances of Segment that retain their location information:

  • charAt
  • charCodeAt
  • codePointAt
  • endsWith
  • indexOf
  • includes
  • lastIndexOf
  • localeCompare
  • match
  • search
  • slice
  • startsWith
  • substring
  • split
  • trimStart
  • trimEnd
  • trim

However, methods that change the text beyond slicing it up, like toUpperCase, replace, etc. are excluded.

new Segment(options)

options.value: string (required)

The string text

options.source: any (required)

Where the text came from, for example, a file path or URL

options.startLine: number (optional, default: 0)

The line on which the segment begins, starting with 0.

options.startCol: number (optional, default: 0)

The column on which the segment begins, starting with 0.

.value: string

The string text

.source: any

Where the text came from, for example, a file path or URL

.startLine: number

The line on which the segment begins, starting with 0.

.startCol: number

The column on which the segment begins, starting with 0.

.endLine: number

The line on which the segment ends, starting with 0.

.endCol: number

The column on which the segment ends, starting with 0.

.length: number

The length of the text

.underlineInContext(): string

Returns the lines of text on which this segment occurs, interleaved with lines containing ^^^^ underlining the portion the segment represents.


A handy class for parsing text as a Segment and throwing contextual errors if necessary.

new SegmentParser(segment: Segment)

Creates a parser on segment starting at index 0.

.segment: Segment

The Segment being parsed.

.index: number

The current parse position within segment.

.skip(rx: RegExp)

Moves index past the next occurrence of rx. Returns true if anything was skipped, false otherwise.

.match(rx: RegExp, messageIfMissing: string): RegExp$matchResult & { segment: Segment }

Checks if segment has a match for rx at the current index. If so, returns it and moves index past it. If not, throws a SegmentParseError with messageIfMissing.

.nextDelimited(rx: RegExp, messageIfMissing?: string): Segment

Moves the index past the next match for rx, and returns the sub-Segment from the starting index up to the match. For example, .nextDelimited(/\r\n?|\n/mg) will return the rest of the current line and move to the next line. If messageIfMissing is given, will throw a SegmentParseError if no match for rx is found beyond the current index. Otherwise, it will return the sub-Segment from the current index all the way to the end.

.expect(str: String, messageIfMissing: string): void

Checks if segment contains str at the current index. If so, moves index past it. If not, throws a SegmentParseError with messageIfMissing.

.expectIgnoreCase(str: String, messageIfMissing: string): void

Same as .expect, but performs a case-insensitive comparison.

.currentChar(): string

Returns a string containing only the character at the current index.

.isAtEnd(): boolean

Returns true if the current index is at the end of the segment, false otherwise.

.isAtEndOfLine(): boolean

Returns true if the current index is at the end of a line, false otherwise.