
2D pixel-art RPG with AI-powered NPCs. Learn about Movementlabs through gameplay!

MIT License


[!NOTE] This project was created as part of LLM Zoomcamp course.

Listen to an overview created by NotebookLM


Parthenon is an immersive 2D top-down pixel-art game that incorporates a RAG system, allowing players to have dynamic, knowledge-based interactions while exploring the virtual world. Players learn about Movementlabs, a Move-based blockchain network, and its ecosystem through engaging NPC interactions.

This project integrates several technologies to create a robust system for querying a knowledge base, building prompts, and interacting with a LLM. It features:

  • A backend with a RAG system, leveraging Elasticsearch for data retrieval and OpenAI language model for generating responses.
  • PostgreSQL for storing and managing data.
  • Grafana for monitoring key metrics such as user feedback, model costs, and other metrics.
  • A React frontend for the game interface, built using the Phaser game framework.

📔 Problem Statement

The core challenge is creating an end-to-end RAG application that seamlessly integrates an AI-driven assistant into an interactive gamified environment. It aims to:

  1. Provide a smooth transition between gameplay and AI-assisted learning of the Movement ecosystem.
  2. Streamline the process of data ingestion, retrieval, and interaction.
  3. Deliver an accessible and user-friendly learning experience.

📚 Table of Contents

  1. Project Architecture & Technologies
  2. Dataset
  3. Backend Overview
  4. Setup Instructions
  5. Running the Application
  6. Using the Application
  7. Monitoring
  8. Frontend
  9. FAQ
  10. Contributing
  11. License
  12. Donations

🏗️ Project Architecture & Technologies

Parthenon is built on a modern, scalable architecture designed to deliver an engaging learning experience:

🛠️ Backend

  • Language & Framework: Python 3.12 with FastAPI
  • Functionality: Handles API requests, orchestrates the RAG system, and manages data flow
  • Main Database: PostgreSQL for storing conversation data and user feedback
  • Vector Database: Elasticsearch for efficient search
  • LLM Integration: OpenAI API for powering AI-driven conversations

🎮 Frontend

  • Framework: Next.js with TypeScript
  • Functionality: Renders the game world and handles user interactions
  • UI: React components styled with Tailwind CSS
  • Game Engine: Phaser.js for 2D game mechanics

📊 Monitoring & DevOps

  • Visualization: Grafana for real-time metrics and user interaction insights
  • Containerization: Docker & Docker Compose for consistent deployment across environments


The dataset, containing information about Movementlabs and its ecosystem, is located in data/json.

Backend Files Overview

The backend of this application is structured to handle various aspects of the RAG flow, including data ingestion, retrieval, and interaction with the LLM. Below is an overview of the backend files:

  • This is the main entry point of the FastAPI application. It defines the API endpoints for querying the knowledge base and submitting feedback. It also includes CORS middleware configuration to allow cross-origin requests (so that the frontend fetches data from the backend). API Endpoints:

    • /faq: Retrieves FAQ questions from the ground truth file.
    • /question: Handles RAG queries and returns AI-generated responses.
    • /feedback: Receives and stores user feedback on conversations.
  • Contains the core logic for the RAG process. It handles querying Elasticsearch for relevant documents, building prompts for the LLM, and evaluating the relevance of the generated answers.

  • Manages database interactions using PostgreSQL. It includes functions to initialize the database schema and save conversation and feedback data.

  • Prepares the Elasticsearch index and initializes the database. It ingests documents into Elasticsearch and sets up the necessary index mappings.

  • Responsible for loading and processing documents from the data directory. It cleans and chunks the text data before indexing it into Elasticsearch.

  • Script for initializing Grafana by creating API keys, setting up data sources, and configuring dashboards.

🚀 Setup Instructions


  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Node.js (v14+)
  • Python 3.12
  • Git

Environment Configuration

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Parthenon-RAG-Game

Environment Variables

  1. Configure environment:
cp .env.example .env

or rename .env.example in the root directory to .env. Key environment variables:

  • ELASTIC_URL: Elasticsearch connection URL
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key for LLM interactions
  • INDEX_NAME: Name of the Elasticsearch index for the knowledge base

Replace YOUR_KEY with your Openai API key.

Dependency Installation

Install the project dependencies using pipenv:

pip install pipenv
pipenv install --dev


For experiments, we use Jupyter notebook located in the notebooks folder. Check for more details.

Note: If an error occurs below (e.g., services take some time to fully start), wait a few seconds and try running it again.

Database Initialization

  1. Start the PostgreSQL service:
docker-compose up -d postgres elasticsearch
  1. In a new terminal, run the following commands to initialize the database:
pipenv shell
cd backend/app
export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
export ELASTIC_URL=http://localhost:9200

Upon success, you should see the following message:

Running the Application

You have two options for running the application:

Option 1: Full Docker Compose Setup (Recommended)

If you have any services running from the database initialization step, use Ctrl+C or run:

docker-compose down

Start all services:

docker-compose up

Option 2: Running Components Separately

If you have any services running, stop them:

docker-compose down

Start only the necessary services:

docker-compose up -d postgres grafana elasticsearch

Run the backend locally:

pipenv shell
cd backend/app
export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
export ELASTIC_URL=http://localhost:9200

You will see the following message: alt text

Using the Application

Use the provided script or curl commands to interact with the API:

Using requests

When the application is running, you can use requests to send questions to the provided script.

In a new terminal, in root dir, interact with the application:

pipenv run python

It sends a random question from the ground truth dataset to the app requests1 and outputs an API response that contains several fields, including a conversation_id and other relevant details. requests2

Using CURL

Use curl to interact with the API:

To get a similar output install jq. For Windows (using Chocolatey):

choco install jq

then run the following command:

curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/question -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"question": "Which platforms are referenced for deploying EVM contracts using Hardhat?", "selected_model": "gpt-4o-mini"}' | jq '{
  question: .query, 
  token_usage: {prompt_tokens, completion_tokens, total_tokens, eval_prompt_tokens, eval_completion_tokens, eval_total_tokens}, 

The output will look like this:

Sending feedback:

After receiving an API response, you can send feedback on the conversation (copy-paste the following and hit enter):

    "conversation_id": "'${ID}'",
    "feedback": 1

curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "${FEEDBACK_DATA}" \

Upon successful submission, you'll receive an acknowledgment message similar to this:

    "message": "Feedback received for conversation d4b27893-c978-4bb5-b51a-bc6c75c9f629: 1"


To initialize the dashboard, first ensure Grafana is running (it starts automatically when you do docker-compose up).

pipenv shell
cd grafana
env | grep POSTGRES_HOST

You'll receive a message confirming successful initialization.

Dashboard created successfully
Initialization complete. Datasource and dashboard created successfully.

Access Grafana at localhost:3000 with the default credentials (admin/admin).

Grafana dashboard provides visualizations for:

  • Last 5 conversations
  • User feedback statistics (thumbs up/down)
  • Total queries over time
  • Token usage and costs
  • LLM used
  • Query relevance scores
  • API response times

This allows you to monitor the performance and usage of the RAG system in real-time.

💻 Frontend

For more detailed information about the game, please see the Frontend documentation.

Frontend Setup

Make sure the backend services are up:

docker-compose up
  1. Install frontend dependencies:
cd frontend
npm install
  1. Run the frontend development server:
npm run dev
  1. Access the application:
  • Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3001 to load the landing page.

  • Click the PLAY NOW or Launch Game button to start. alt text

  • The game will open at http://localhost:3001/game alt text

  • Use the arrow keys to move the player character close to the NPC. Once a pop-up appears, press E to interact. alt text

  • A pop-up will appear with the following options: alt text

  • Share on Twitter

  • Copy the fact

  • Get a new fact

  • Open the chat interface (InteractionPopup)

  • Close the pop-up when you're done

The InteractionPopup uses FAQ from the ground truth, where you can click on them and it pre-fills the chat.


For answers to commonly asked questions, please see the FAQ document.

🙌 Contributing

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request
  6. Issue Tracker: Use GitHub Issues for bug reports and feature requests.

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

💖 Donations

We accept donations to help sustain our project. If you would like to contribute, you can use the following options:

Ethereum Address:


Your generosity helps us continue improving Parthenon and creating more exciting features. Thank you for your support! 🙏

📬 Contact

For questions, suggestions, or collaboration opportunities: