
OpenAPI specification generator in NodeJS that can generate openapi-specs for multiple languages

MIT License


Penify Open API Code Gen

penify-oapi-codegen is a JavaScript library designed to convert OpenAPI schemas into various code examples. This tool simplifies the process of generating client libraries in different programming languages based on your API documentation.


  • Convert OpenAPI schema to code examples in multiple languages.
  • Easy to use command-line interface.


Before installing penify-oapi-codegen, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (version 12 or higher)
  • npm (Node package manager)

Additionally, you need to install openapi-to-postmanv2 globally. This can be done using the following command:

npm install -g openapi-to-postmanv2


To install penify-oapi-codegen, run the following command:

npm install penify-oapi-codegen


Once installed, you can use penify-oapi-codegen from the command line to generate code examples from your OpenAPI schemas.

Generate Code Examples

For all supported languages

It will generate OpenAPI schema for all possible language and variant.

penify-oapi-codegen -i path/to/your/openapi/schema.json -o path/to/output/schema_with_code.json

For Specific Language and Variant

penify-oapi-codegen -i path/to/your/openapi/schema.json -l language -v variant -o path/to/output/schema_with_code.json

Get all supported languages

penify-oapi-codegen -s


  • -i, --input <path>: Path to the OpenAPI schema file (required).
  • -l, --language <language>: Programming language for the code example (optional).
  • -v, --variant <variant>: Variant of the code generator for the specified language (optional).
  • -o, --output <path>: Path to the output code example file (optional).
  • -s,: To show list of supported languages

Supported Code Generators

The tool supports generating code examples for the following languages and variants:

Language Variant
csharp RestSharp
curl cURL
go Native
http HTTP
java OkHttp
java Unirest
javascript Fetch
javascript jQuery
javascript XHR
c libcurl
nodejs Axios
nodejs Native
nodejs Request
nodejs Unirest
objective-c NSURLSession
ocaml Cohttp
php cURL
php HTTP_Request2
php pecl_http
powershell RestMethod
python http.client
python Requests
ruby Net::HTTP
shell Httpie
shell wget
swift URLSession


Example 1: Generate Python Requests Code Example

penify-oapi-codegen -s ./schemas/api.json -l python -v Requests -o ./examples/schema_python_requests_example.json

Example 2: Generate JavaScript Fetch Code Example

penify-oapi-codegen -s ./schemas/api.json -l javascript -v Fetch -o ./examples/schema_js_fetch_example.json


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.



Footnote: This tool uses openapi-to-postmanv2 for converting OpenAPI schemas. Please ensure it is installed globally.