Sample PHI DeID Portal for uploading, indexing and identifying PHI within documents.

MIT License



PHI Deidentification Portal

Installation Instructions

Deployment Steps –

  1. Clone or Fork repo

  2. Create a new Storage Account a. az storage account create -n storageaccount -g resourcegroup --sku Standard_LRS

  3. Create a Storage Account container for document uploads a. az storage container create -n container --account-name storageaccount

  4. Create a new Azure AI multi-service resource a. az cognitiveservices account create --name aiservice --location location --resource-group resourcegroup --kind CognitiveServices --sku s0 --yes

  5. Create a new Azure AI Search instance a. az search service create --name searchservice --resource-group resourcegroup –sku standard

  6. Create the Cosmos NoSQL database a. az cosmosdb create --name cosmosdb --resource-group resourcegroup --kind GlobalDocumentDB --locations regionName = location b. az cosmosdb sql database create -g resourcegroup -a cosmosaccountname -n deid --throughput 400 c. az cosmosdb sql container create -g resourcegroup -a cosmosaccountname -d deid -n metadata --partition-key-path "/uri"

  7. Create two new App Service Plans – one for the Web application and one for standard Functions a. az appservice plan create -g resourcegroup -n plan1 --sku S1 b. az appservice plan create -g resourcegroup -n plan2 --sku S1

  8. Create a new Azure Function instance for the metadata sync and custom skill a. az functionapp create --resource-group resourcegroup --name functionappname --os-type Windows --runtime dotnet --storage-account storageaccount --plan plan1 b. Publish the Azure Function to the Function App Service

  9. Create the Web application for the DeID Web Portal a. az webapp create --resource-group resourcegroup --name webname --runtime dotnet:8 --plan plan2 b. az resource update --resource-group resourcegroup --name scm --namespace Microsoft.Web --resource-type basicPublishingCredentialsPolicies --parent sites/webname --set properties.allow=true c. Publish the Web solution to the Web App Service d. az webapp identity assign -g resourcegroup -n webname (results used in e.) e. az role assignment create --assignee systemassignedidentityguid --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scope storageaccountid f. az ad app create --display-name appid --web-redirect-uris https://{webname} g. Modify App Registration to include Group Claims (modify groupMembershipClaims property) h. Add Entra group to support Admins. Note group name for updating the web app configuration value

  10. Deploy the metadata sync and custom Function app by configuring the Azure Function to pull from your forked GH repo or by cloning the repo and doing a publish.

  11. Create the AI Search Index, Custom Skill and Indexer definitions (in that order) using the three JSON configuration files in the search-config folder of the Repo

  12. Upload documents to the Blob Storage Container created in #3 and ensure the Indexer is running.

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