
Pixels dice Typescript/JavaScript packages and apps.

MIT License



Monorepo for Pixels Typescript/JavaScript libraries and apps.

This repository regroups all the TypeScript/JavaScript source code for our web and React Native packages.


Pixels are full of LEDs, smarts and no larger than regular dice, they can be customized to light up when and how you desire. Check our website for more information.

Warning Before jumping into programming please make sure to read our Pixels developer's guide.

Please open a ticket on GitHub if you're having any issue.


The packages documentation is generated from the source code with TypeDoc. The latest version of the packages modules documentation is published here.

Each package is documented as a separate module, see the list below to get the links to the main package's documentation.


Here is a short list of the packages that we think will be the most useful for a developer looking to develop a software that connects to Pixels dice:

For a complete list of available packages, head to the packages folder.

The rest of this readme will get you started on how to build the Pixels packages and apps. You probably don't need to read this unless your intention is to work on those packages or apps.

Development workflow

To get started with the project, run yarn in the root directory to install the required dependencies and build each package:


Note: This is equivalent to running yarn install && yarn pk:all. It's the later command that builds all the packages.

EAS Builds

Development Builds

To make a development build using Expo EAS for iOS:

yarn px:eas-ios --development

Or for Android:

yarn px:eas-android --development

Or both at once:

yarn px:eas-all --development


  • For other build profiles, replace development by the required profile
    name such as preview.
  • For the Toolbox, replace px by tb.

Preview Builds

At the moment "preview" builds are also referred as "production" builds.

There are two options to publish a production update:

Full Builds

It there was any change made to the native code then a full update must be published.

yarn px:eas-all --preview


  • Add the --local switch to build locally (not supported on Windows).
Content Updates

EAS comes with a great update system that allow publishing incremental updates to the application scripts and assets:

yarn px:eas-update "A few words to describe the contents of the update"

The update will be available for both iOS and Android preview builds.

Install A Build

To install a build on an Android emulator:

adb -e install app.apk

Use the -d flag to install on a physical device instead.

See the Expo documentation to learn how to configure and install a build for iOS simulators using EAS.

Running A Dev Build

Developers have two options when working on the Pixels app or the Toolbox:

  • Build and install a development version of the "public" production app.
  • Build and install a development version of the "alternate" app which has
    a different package name (or bundle identifier on iOS) so that it can be
    installed alongside a build of the "public" app.

By default the Metro bundler will target the "public" app. It will switch to the alternate package name (or bundle identifier) when the environment variable SYSTEMIC_PX_DEV is set to 1

For the Toolbox the environment variable SYSTEMIC_TB_DEV is used.

To start a development server that connects to a development build of the "public" app:

yarn px start

And to connect to a development build of the "alternate" app:

yarn pxd start

Building Locally

This command builds the Android "public" app locally (without EAS), deploys it and then connects to it:

yarn px android

And for the "alternate" app:

yarn px android

On iOS you need to first generate the project files for XCode:

yarn px prebuild

And for the "alternate" app:

yarn pxd prebuild

And then build and run the project from XCode.

For the "alternate" app, be sure to run XCode with the dev environment variable set:

yarn px:setdev

On the next run you may skip rebuilding the app and directly start the development server using the "start" command described previously.

Note: For the Toolbox, replace px by tb.

Toolbox: Updating The Firmware Packages

Here are the steps to update the DFU files that are being used by the validation screen and which are also selected by default in other screens):

  1. Build a new Bootloader + Firmware
    combo using the publish command.
  2. Replace the Bootloader and Firmware DFU files in apps\pixels-toolbox\assets\dfu\factory-dfu-files.zip.

    /!\ Be sure to only have one file for the Bootloader and one for the Firmware in this zip file!

  3. Update the version number in app.config.ts
  4. Run either tb:eas-update "Description" or tb:eas-android preview command.

Note: Bootloader and Firmware DFU files not meant for production should be placed into apps\pixels-toolbox\assets\dfu\other-dfu-files.zip.

Type checking and linting

yarn ts
yarn lint

For automatically fixing problems with ESLint:

yarn lint:fix

Commit message convention

We follow the conventional commits specification for our commit messages:

  • fix: bug fixes, e.g. fix crash due to deprecated method.
  • feat: new features, e.g. add new method to the module.
  • refactor: code refactor, e.g. migrate from class components to hooks.
  • docs: changes into documentation, e.g. add usage example for the module..
  • test: adding or updating tests, e.g. add integration tests using detox.
  • chore: tooling changes, e.g. change CI config.

Our pre-commit hooks verify that your commit message matches this format when committing.


Documentation generated with TypeDoc.

Applications icon files generated with EasyAppIcons.

TypeScript packages generated with example-typescript-package.

React Native packages generated with create-react-native-library.



Package Rankings
Top 10.79% on Npmjs.org