
convert plain text notes to Anki cards



plain2anki allows you to take plain text notes on your lectures and classes and then automatically converting them to a Anki-importable CSV.

Getting Started

Go to, enter your plain text notes and click on the "download" button to obtain a CSV file of your questions. That file can then be imported in Anki: The first column contains the questions, the second one contains answers.

The parsing rules for your plain text notes are illustrated by the following example:

- How many ounces is one kilo? 2.37 ounces.
* What's 1+1? Is it odd? It's two, it's even.

What's the stupidest animal in the jungle?    The polar bear.

This will result in the following questions:

Q: How many ounces is one kilo? A: 2.37 ounces.

Q: What's 1+1? Is it Odd? A: It's two, it's even.

Q: What's the stupidest animal in the jungle? A: The polar bear.

Some rules for parsing your plain text:

  • Cards are separated by line breaks.
  • Empty lines are ignored.
  • Leading enumeration marks like -, *, or + are ignored.
  • The last question mark in a line marks the end of the question.
  • If there's no question mark, e.g. in a "Define X." kind of card, the first "." marks the end of the question.
  • Both questions and answers are trimmed of surrounding whitespace.


I'd like to invite all of you to contribute. Open up an issue, fork and PR, spread the word. Any kind of contribution is appreciated 🎉