
Element resize event for Preact

MIT License



Watch an element for changes to its size. Supports modern browsers and IE9+.

This is a Preact component wrapper for the excellent ResizeObserver polyfill.



npm install preact-resize-observer


import { Component } from 'preact';
import ResizeObserver from 'preact-resize-observer';

export default class App extends Component {
  handleResize = (width, height) => {
    // Current width and height of the .fluid-content element
    console.log(`width: ${width}, height: ${height}`)

  render(props) {
    return (
      <ResizeObserver class="fluid-content" onResize={this.handleResize}>

Prop Types

Property Type Default Description
onResize Function Required. Callback invoked whenever the observed element changes size. (width: number, height: number): void
horizontal boolean true Observe changes to the width
vertical boolean true Observe changes to the height
tag string 'div' The HTML tag to render this component as
element Element The element to observe the size of. If not specified the element rendered by this component will be observed
initial boolean true Controls if onResize will be invoked when the element is first observed (typically on mount). Set to false to disable this initial call.
innerRef function Get reference to the rendered element. (element: Element): void


1.0.0 (24/06/2018)

  • Change component design to be used as part of regular page markup:
    • Change to observe size of self by default (previously parent was observed)
    • Add support to render children
    • Add tag prop to control the tag to render as
    • Add innerRef prop to get a reference to the actual DOM node
    • Change prop names to avoid clashing with standard HTML attributes
  • Distribute ES module

0.1.1 (31/05/2018)

  • Fixed package dependencies
  • Fixed component types for Preact 8.2.9

0.1.0 (20/03/2018)

  • Initial Release


preact-resize-obsever is available under the MIT License.