
PROV Visualiser

MIT License


ProvViz - An Interactive React PROV Visualiser Component

React Props

Name Type Description
document object The PROV document to be visualised, in its PROV-JSON format
onChange function | null When a function is provided, the PROV document state is controlled by the parent component and function is called when the PROV document is modified in the ProvViz Component. When null is provided the PROV document state is controlled by the ProvViz Component.Function Signature:function(updatedDocument: object) => void
documentName string The name of the PROV document, used as the filename when the visualisation is exported as an image
wasmFolderURL string The endpoint where the required GraphViz WASM module can be accessed
width number The width (in pixels)
height number The height (in pixels)
initialSettings object The visualisation settings used to initialise the ProvViz component
onSettingsChange function The callback function called when the visualisation settings changeFunction Signature:function(updatedSettings: object) => void

Local Developer Environment

To start the local developer environment:

  • use yarn install to install the NPM dependencies
  • use yarn storybook to run the StoryBook environment

Run Test-Suite

To run the test-suite:

  • use yarn install to install the NPM dependencies
  • use yarn test to run the test-suite

Build NPM Package

To build the ProvViz Visualiser:

  • use yarn install to install the NPM dependencies
  • use yarn build to build the project