
It's exactly what it sounds like: A pushup counter that uses SvelteKit



A prototype repo. Demo here. Currently implements

  • pushup detection


I know this is a prototype but it's pretty useful as a demo

  • Better UI
  • More exercises (misnamed as "workouts" in the code... oops)


Setting up

git clone https://github.com/ThatXliner/pushup-counter-sveltekit.git
cd pushup-counter-sveltekit
bun install  # Install bun if needed (https://bun.sh)

New workout

Create a new workout named <workout>.ts where <WORKOUT> is the name of the workout. Make it export default a class that extends Workout (which is an abstract class in src/lib/workouts/index.ts).

Dev server:

bun run dev

Update tests

Update tests/assets/accuracy_test.ts with this at the bottom

+ test('<WORKOUT> model accuracy', async () => {
+ 	await runModel('<WORKOUT>', new <WORKOUT>());
+ });

Where <WORKOUT> is the name of the workout. Then convert your video of yourself into frames. Create frames with

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -r 30 -vf scale="iw/2:ih/2" frame_%04d.jpg

INSIDE the directory that stores the frames. Here, 30 is the framerate (and should always be 30 fps). The -vf scale="iw/2:ih/2" scales the image to half the size (optional).


To create a production version of your app:

bun run build

You can preview the production build with bun run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.