
Simple Quiz Maker Open Source App (WIP)

AGPL-3.0 License


Quizerach - Quiz App

Quizerach is Simple Open Source Quiz Maker App


The code is not yet ready, but if you want to try it out you can look at package.json file in /quiz directory and GitHub workflow how to deploy the app. The quiz part is written in NodeJS and minimal JavaScript. The API part is in /api endpoint (GraphQL) is only for Admin panel that is SPA type of application written in ReactJS. The Admin panel is still work in progress but the quiz part is working MVP.

The demo will be ready when adding English Template and demo quiz tracked in #14 and #13

Genesis of the Name

Quizerach name is a word play on "Kwisatz Haderach" and word Quiz. You pronounce the name similar to the name of the male Bene Gesserit from Frank Herbert novel Dune.

The Kwisatz Haderach possessed a heightened consciousness that allowed him to access future memories and see different possible outcomes, giving him the ability to predict the future and provide answers to complex questions and riddles.

(above paragraph based on ChatGPT)


Copyright (C) 2023 Jakub T. Jankiewicz Released under GNU AGPL v3 or later