
Ranjani Chakraborty's personal website

OTHER License


ranj chak dot com

Personal website for Ranjani Chakraborty at https://ranjchak.com.


ranjchak.com is a static page hosted on GitHub pages. It uses nodejs as its build runtime and npm as its package manager. Make sure you have Node >= v8 installed, and then:

  1. git clone https://github.com/mcous/ranj-chak-dot-com.git
  2. npm install
  3. npm start

A dev server will now be running at http://localhost:8080 to show you what the page will look like.


To build for production, the following scripts are used

  • npm run build - Builds production HTML, JS, and CSS
  • npm run serve - Runs a server at http://localhost:9090 with the production assets


There are several important development scripts:

  • npm start - Start the dev server at http://localhost:8080
  • npm run format - Autoformats JavaScript, TypeScript, YAML, and Markdown
  • npm run lint - Lints TypeScript and CSS
  • npm run check - Type checks TypeScript


To deploy the site, run

  • npm release

The version will be bumped, a change log will be generated, and the dist folder will be built and deployed to the gh-pages branch.