
My (Basic) React Components


TypeScript React Components with Emotion


This project contains "a couple" of React Components written in TypeScript and using the fantastic emotion js.


import { useState } from 'react';
import { Router } from '@reach/router';
import { useMediaQuery } from 'react-responsive';
import { HomePage } from './pages';
import { Footer, Header, SideBar, Warning } from './components';
import { RcLayout, RcSideNav } from './rcomps';

export const App: React.FC = () => {
  const [showLeftMenu, setShowLeftMenu] = useState(false);
  const isNarrow = useMediaQuery({ maxWidth: 600 });
  const warning = <Warning />;
  const header = <Header setShowLeftMenu={setShowLeftMenu} />;
  const footer = <Footer />;
  const sidebar = <SideBar />;
  const leftMenu = (
    <RcSideNav onClose={() => setShowLeftMenu(false)}>
      <SideBar />
  const main = (
      <HomePage path="/" />
  return (


export const Default: React.FC = () => (
    phone={<Helper bgColor="#cecece">PHONE</Helper>}
    tablet={<Helper bgColor="#ffcdcd">TABLET</Helper>}
    landscape={<Helper bgColor="#cdd1ff">LANDSCAPE</Helper>}
    desktop={<Helper bgColor="#d7ffcd">DESKTOP</Helper>}


export const Password: React.FC = () => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState('1234-5678');
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
  const icon = (
    <div onClick={() => setShow(!show)}>
      {show ? <IconEye size="18px" /> : <IconEyeNo size="18px" />}
  return (
      onChange={(e) => setValue(e.target.value)}


See a script to create an app using rcomps (calling create-react-app)..

yarn add @cpmech/rcomps

We export the components as pure TypeScript because emotion needs to be transpiled in the final application.

So you'll have to copy the components to your project. However, we suggest the following strategy:

  1. Add the following line to your package.json:
"postinstall": "bash ./scripts/npm_postinstall.bash"
  1. Create the file ./scripts/npm_postinstall.bash:
set -e
if [[ -d "./node_modules/@cpmech/rcomps/rcomps" ]]; then
    echo ">>> moving rcomps to src <<<"
    rm -rf ./src/rcomps
    mv ./node_modules/@cpmech/rcomps/rcomps ./src/


Check also the storybook.

The components are organized into three kinds:

  1. foundation are components that do not depend on others
  2. layout are components that help to manage other components
  3. composite are components that rely on foundation components

All components have the prefix Rc.


  • RcButton -- a fancy button, wrapping HTML input button
  • RcCard -- a fancy card
  • RcChartRing -- "donut" style of graph
  • RcCollapse -- hide/show content
  • RcError -- print in red errors, useful to forms (and RcInput)
  • RcGameCard -- a card with zoom
  • RcInput -- a fancy input box, wrapping HTML input
  • RcLinkOrDiv -- wrapps HTML "a" (link) or a div with onClick
  • RcNotifier -- shows a box at the botton of the screen
  • RcPair -- positions two items side-by-side
  • RcPicker -- a fancy picker
  • RcProgress -- shows a linear progress bar
  • RcSpinCircle -- shows a spinning circle
  • RcSpinDots -- shows spinning dots
  • RcSwitch -- implements a toggle/switch
  • RcText -- a fancy static input box, wrapping HTML input


  • RcLayout -- implements the "holy grail" layout using HTML grid
  • RcMedia -- implements components for a "responsive design" (e.g. RcMediaPhone, etc.)
  • RcMenuHoriz -- shows a horizontal menu
  • RcMenuVert -- shows a vertical menu
  • RcModal -- shows a modal box
  • RcSideNav -- implements a floating side navigation box
  • RcTabs -- shows a tabbed menu
  • RcYouTube -- shows a YouTube video, in a consistent and easy way


  • RcCenterPage -- position something at the center of the page, horizontally and vertically
  • RcDualMenuHoriz -- presents two sets of horizontal menus (left and right)
  • RcFlexTable -- shows a (long) table while being flexible for narrow and wide screens
  • RcInputDate -- implements a (powerful) input box for dates (with translation)
  • RcInputNumber -- implements an input box for numbers (with locales)
  • RcModalYesNo -- shows a modal box, with buttons yes/no
  • RcPairLinkOrDiv -- pair up left with right, horizontaly, and make a clickable link or div
  • RcPopup -- shows "popup" modal boxes, for different uses (message, error, is-loading, progress)
  • RcProgressBar -- shows a progress bar in a container
  • RcReadyOrErrorPopup -- shows a "popup" modal with a spinner, if not ready, or with an error message, if any
  • RcSpinAndMsgCircle -- shows a spinning cirlce and a message
  • RcSpinAndMsgDots -- shows spinning dots and a message
  • RcSpinnerPage -- shows a spinning circle in the middle of the page
  • RcSwitchAndText -- shows a switch (toggle) component with a text to the left or right

RcMedia and alike

We divide the width of screens/areas into four categories (see rcSizes in RcMedia.tsx):

  1. phone -- maxWidth = 620 px
  2. tablet -- maxWidth = 768 px
  3. landscape -- maxWidth = 960 px
  4. desktop -- maxWidth = infinite :-D

These can be changed, for example (after importing rcConfig from layout/rcConfig.tsx):

rcConfig.media.phone.maxWidth = 400;
rcConfig.media.tablet.maxWidth = 600;
rcConfig.media.landscape.maxWidth = 800;

NOTE: the maxWidth values should be in an increasing order.

The following components are defined:

  • RcMediaPhone and RcMediaNotPhone
  • RcMediaTablet and RcMediaNotTablet
  • RcMediaLandscape and RcMediaNotLandscape
  • RcMediaDesktop and RcMediaNotDesktop

We also create the following groups:

  • RcMediaMobile which includes phone and tablet; and
  • RcMediaNotMobile which includes landscape and desktop (even though landscape could be a rotated tablet)

The following auxiliary components are also defined:

  • RcMediaPhoneOrNot: phone or (tablet,landscape,desktop)
  • RcMediaMobileOrNot: (phone,tablet) or (landscape,desktop)

See the storybook: Layout/RcMedia (play with it by resizing the panels)


See article about the publishing procedure.

Package updates

Important: If using ncu -u, keep the following versions fixed:

    "babel-loader": "8.1.0",
    "jest": "26.6.0",