
A dashboard app powered by React


Dashboard App

The aim of this project is to build an app to display data in a dashboard.

This project is deployed here.


This is a web application that contains the following main features:

  • Users can view data in table or pie view


  • Libraries: React, Redux, axios
  • Styling: styled-components
  • Linting: Eslint
  • Testing: Jest, react-testing-library
  • Build: Create-React-App
  • Deployment: Heroku


This project is using npm for dependency management. Make sure npm is installed on your machine.

  • npm install

Install project dependencies.

  • npm run dev

Run the app in development mode on http://localhost:3000/.

  • npm run test

Launch test runner and run all the tests.

Future Improvements

  • Reduce wasted rendering by memorising (potential candidates: PieView, but have to profile and benchmark first to see how beneficial is the memorisation)
  • Handle data loading and error states. Currently data loading and error states are handled in reducer and saved to Redux store, but it's not reflected in the UI
  • Implement lazy loading. Add routing for table view and pie view so we can take advantage of lazy loading
  • Use Redux Toolkit to reduce boilerplate code
  • Extract some common code into custom hook (potential candidates: network call)
  • Type everything correctly, remove all any type