
React hook for conveniently use Fetch API

MIT License



React hook for conveniently use Fetch API.

  • Tiny (556 B). Calculated by size-limit
  • Both Flow and TypeScript types included
import React from "react";
import useFetch from "react-fetch-hook";

const Component = () => {
  const { isLoading, data } = useFetch("");

  return isLoading ? (
  ) : (
    <UserProfile {} />

useFetch accepts the same arguments as fetch function.


Install it with yarn:

yarn add react-fetch-hook

Or with npm:

npm i react-fetch-hook --save


Custom formatter

Default is response => response.json() formatter. You can pass custom formatter:

const { isLoading, data } = useFetch("", {
    formatter: (response) => response.text()

Error handling

The useFetch hook returns an error field at any fetch exception. The error field extends Error and has status and statusText fields equal to Response.


const Component = () => {
  const { isLoading, data, error } = useFetch("");

  if (error) {
    return <div>
      <p>Code: ${error.status}</p>
      <p>Message: ${error.statusText}</p>

Multiple requests

Multiple useFetch in the same file/component supported:

const result1 = useFetch("");
const result2 = useFetch("");

if (result1.isLoading && result2.isLoading) {
  return <div>Loading...</div>;

return <div>
    <UserProfile {} />
    <UserProfile {} />


The request will not be called until all elements of depends array be truthy. Example:

const {authToken} = useContext(authTokenContext);
const [someState, setSomeState] = useState(false);
const { isLoading, data } = useFetch("", {
    depends: [!!authToken, someState] // don't call request, if haven't authToken OR someState: false

See example.

Re-call requests

If any element of depends changed, request will be re-call. For example, you can use react-use-trigger for re-call the request:

import createTrigger from "react-use-trigger";
import useTrigger from "react-use-trigger/useTrigger";

const requestTrigger = createTrigger();

export const Subscriber = () => {  
    const requestTriggerValue = useTrigger(requestTrigger);
    const { isLoading, data } = useFetch("", {
        depends: [requestTriggerValue]
    return <div />;

export const Sender = () => { 
    return <button onClick={() => {
        requestTrigger() // re-call request


For custom promised function.

import React from "react";
import usePromise from "react-fetch-hook/usePromise";
import callPromise from "..."

const Component = () => {
  const { isLoading, data } = usePromise(() => callPromise(...params), [...params]);

  return isLoading ? (
  ) : (
    <UserProfile {} />


  • Basic - Just fetch data with useFetch.
  • Depends - Usage depends option for refresh query.
  • Pagination - Usage usePaginationRequest for infinite scroll implementation.



Create a hook wrapper for fetch call.

    path: RequestInfo,
    options?: {
        formatter?: Response => Promise
        depends?: Array<boolean>
    specialOptions?: {
        formatter?: Response => Promise
        depends?: Array<boolean>
): TUseFetchResult

where TUseFetchResult is:

    data: any,
    isLoading: boolean,
    error: any

RequestInfo, RequestOptions is fetch args.


usePromise<T, I: $ReadOnlyArray<mixed>>(
    callFunction: ?(...args: I) => Promise<T>,
    ...inputs: I
): TUsePromiseResult<T>

where TUsePromiseResult<T> is

type TUsePromiseResult<T> = {
    data: ?T,
    isLoading: boolean,
    error: mixed

Experimental: usePaginatedRequest

⚠️ Warning: this method is experimental, API can be changed.

Create a paginated request.

usePaginatedRequest = <T>(
    request: (params: { limit: number, offset: number }) => Promise<Array<T>>,
    limit: number,
    ...depends: Array<any>
): {
    data: Array<T>,
    loadMore?: () => mixed,
    hasMore: boolean

Who Uses react-fetch-hook

Open Source projects


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