
wrapper for official component, with unofficial component compat

MIT License



Wrapper for official component, with unofficial component compat.

Currently in beta stage.

Since Font-awesome v5 has divided icons into different sets, and renamed many icons, usages with react-fontawesome package could not be updated to official component in a simple find-and-replace way. This package is created to ease the migration, wrapping the official component and automatically shimming v4 icon name.


yarn add @skagami/react-fontawesome


npm install @skagami/react-fontawesome

Note that you should also install @fortawesome/react-svg-core and @fortawesome/react-fontawesome. Due to the API change in FontAwesome 5.1, you should install the version that satisfy the peer dependencies. It seems the official package keeps changing with every pre-release, please report any incompat you meet.



with this package you could simply make a replacement:

- import FA from 'react-fontawesome'
+ import FA from '@skagami/react-fontawesome'


besides, this package provides a shim method based on official v4-shim.js:

import shim from '@skagami/react-fontawesome/shim'

shim('google-plus') // returns ['fab', 'google-plus-o']


An inject method for react-fontawesome is available so that you don't even need to do the replacement:

import '@skagami/react-fontawesome/inject'

IMPORTANT: same as official component, you'll need to add the icons yourself.


The API is designed to maximize the compat with unofficial react-fontawesome and provide more semantic usage for new v5 icons. Currently only font-awesome@5's svg format icon is supported.

Semantic and compact API

You don't have to combine icon set and icon name in a array to fill in icon prop:

- <Icon icon={['fab', 'google-plus-o']} />
+ <Icon fab icon="google-plus-o" />

fas|far|far|fab and fa(for explicit v4 icon name usage) Boolean prop is supported.

and name prop is also supported:

<Icon fab name="google-plus-o" />

Icon version and name shimming

The icon version is detected by the following procedure:

  • check v5. If truthy, it is a v5 icon
  • check tag, although tag will not take effect. If truthy, it is a v4 icon
  • check if fas, far, fal and fab is all falsy. If any of them is truthy, it is a v5 icon
  • check if icon and name prop is String. If none of them is String, it is a v5 icon (and nothing will show up).
  • check icon. If icon is truthy and it is not String, it is a v5 icon
  • it should be a v4 icon

V4 icon names will be shimmed to v5's

on mask prop, if the icon is believe to be v4, and mask is String, then the mask icon name will also be shimmed