
A fresh and modern FPS component for react.

MIT License


Table of Contents

About the Project

react-fps is a tool to analyze your apps performance. Simply add the component or use the exported hook to create your own visualization.


  • Includes the above UI component for logging FPS without any hassle.
  • Exports a useFps hook to create your own customized UI.
  • Also tracks main thread blocks and idle times.

Getting Started


yarn add react-fps
npm i react-fps


This package is built with TypeScript and supports it out of the box.



To use the built in UI component seen above, just use the FpsView component:

import React from "react";
import {FpsView} from "react-fps";

export function YourComponent() {
  // ....
  return (
    // ...
    // ...


By default the component will appear in the upper left corner with a dimension of 140x60 pixels. You can of course modify that via props:

import React from "react";
import {FpsView} from "react-fps";

export function YourComponent() {
  // ....
  return (
    // ...
    <FpsView width={240} height={180} left={60} top={80}/>
    // ...

You can also use bottom and right to position it relative to those borders.

import React from "react";
import {FpsView} from "react-fps";

export function YourComponent() {
  // ....
  return (
    // ...
    <FpsView width={240} height={180} bottom={60} right={80}/>
    // ...


useFps(windowWidth: number): {fps: number[], avgFps: number, maxFps: number, currentFps: number};


  • windowWidth defines the number of kept values. So 3 saves the last
    three fps values, 20 will save the last twenty. This also is the base
    the average and maximum calculation.

Note! windowWidth roughly equals to seconds passed. So a window of 20 is approximately a window of 20 seconds. But there is absolutely no guarantee that this will be the case.

Return Values

  • fps is an array of fps numbers. Most recent value is the last one.
  • avgFps is the average frame rate over the defined window.
  • maxFps is the maximum frame rate recorded over the defined window.


To use the hook, just import it into your component.

import {useFps} from 'react-fps';

function YourComponent() {
  const {fps, avgFps, maxFps, currentFps} = useFps(20);
  // ....

And then you can build the UI visualization of your dreams.


  • Implement a hook version that updates itself every frame.
  • Add milliseconds to render a frame stat
  • Add memory consumption
  • Add a customization hook and component.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Johannes Klauss - @JohannesKlauss - [email protected]

Project Link:

Prior Art

Basis of this package is the react-fps-stats Both are react ports of stats.js. I ported it to use hooks, added a nicer color layout and made it more customizable.