
A collection of useful React hooks

MIT License


API Reference (array destructuring)

How to import?

import { useBoolean } from 'react-hanger/array' // will import all of functions
import useBoolean from 'react-hanger/array/useBoolean' // will import only this function


const [showCounter, actions] = useBoolean(true);


  • toggle
  • setTrue
  • setFalse


const [counter] = useNumber(0);
const [limitedNumber] = useNumber(3, { upperLimit: 5, lowerLimit: 3 });
const [rotatingNumber] = useNumber(0, {
  upperLimit: 5,
  lowerLimit: 0,
  loop: true


Both increase and decrease take an optional amount argument which is 1 by default, and will override the step property if it's used in the options.

  • increase(amount = 1)
  • decrease(amount = 1 )


  • lowerLimit
  • upperLimit
  • loop
  • step - sets the increase/decrease amount of the number upfront, but it can still be overriden by number.increase(3) or number.decrease(5)


This one is unique, since it returns tuple as a first element, where first element is value and second is hasValue Second element is actions as usual

type UseInputActions = {
  setValue: React.Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>>;
  onChange: (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => void
  clear: () => void
type UseInput = [[string, boolean], UseInputActions]
const [[newTodo], actions] = useInput("");
<input value={newTodo} onChange={actions.onChange} />


  • clear
  • onChange - default native handler


  • hasValue -


Designed to be used in composition with useInput. First and second elements are the same as `useInput. Third are bindings to spread.

const [[newTodo], actions, { nativeBind, valueBind }] = useBindToInput(useInput(""));
<input value={newTodo} onChange={actions.onChange} />
<input {...nativeBind} />
<Slider {...valueBind} />


  • nativeBind - binds the value and onChange props to an input that has
  • valueBind - binds the value and onChange props to an input that's using only value in onChange (like most external components)


const [todos, actions] = useArray([]);


  • push
  • unshift
  • pop
  • shift
  • clear
  • removeIndex
  • removeById - if array consists of objects with some specific id that you pass
    all of them will be removed
  • modifyById - if array consists of objects with some specific id that you pass
    these elements will be modified.
  • move - moves item from position to position shifting other elements.
    So if input is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    from  | to    | expected
    3     | 0     | [4, 1, 2, 3, 5]
    -1    | 0     | [5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    1     | -2    | [1, 3, 4, 2, 5]
    -3    | -4    | [1, 3, 2, 4, 5]


const [someMap, someMapActions] = useMap([["key", "value"]]);
const [anotherMap, anotherMapActions] = useMap(new Map([["key", "value"]]));


  • set
  • delete
  • clear
  • initialize - applies tuples or map instances
  • setValue


const [ value, actions ] = useSet(new Set<number>([1, 2]))

value - a Set with only non mutating methods of a plain JS Set


  • setValue
  • add
  • remove
  • clear


const [state, setState, resetState] = useSetState({ loading: false });
setState({ loading: true, data: [1, 2, 3] });


  • setState(value) - will merge the value with the current state (like this.setState works in React)
  • resetState() - will reset the current state to the value which you pass to the useSetState hook


  • state - the current state


Use it to get the previous value of a prop or a state value. It's from the official React Docs. It might come out of the box in the future.

const Counter = () => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
  const prevCount = usePrevious(count);
  return (
      Now: {count}, before: {prevCount}

Migration from object to array based

All value based hooks like useBoolean, useNumber etc. Are changed to be using arrays, since it's more safe for reference equality, and also makes it easier to use many useSmth without renaming value in destructuring.

So if you had

const { value: showHeader, ...showHeaderActions } = useBoolean(true)
const { value: showFooter, ...setShowFooterActions } = useBoolean(true)

It will become

const [showHeader, showHeaderActions] = useBoolean(true)
const [showFooter, showFooterActions] = useBoolean(true)

Note that despite this code seems to be looking the same, it's not. Cause showHeaderActions in v1 will result in new object reference every rerender (because spreading creates new object, hence new reference). While in v2 actions are memoized using useMemo and their reference will not change, cause they are not rely on value. It enables us passing actions down the props without useless re-renders and excessive destructuring, it prevents useEffects and other hooks from re-run/new reference creation if autofix of ESLint rule react-hooks/extraneous-deps will add them as dependencies automatically.

useInput migration

Also big change to the useInput If before you was not using eventBind and nativeBind from them, then using the same approach from above you will get what you want. But if you need bindings you need to compose useInput with useBindToInput like that: So if you had

const { value, eventBind, valueBind, onChange, hasValue } = useInput("")

<input value={value} onChange={onChange} />
<input {...eventBind} />
{hasValue && <Slider {...valueBind} />}

It will become

const [[value, hasValue], actions, { eventBind, valueBind }] = useBindToInput(useInput(""))

<input value={value} onChange={actions.onChange} />
<input {...eventBind} />
{hasValue && <Slider {...valueBind} />}

Note that first element in destructured array has tuple of [value, hasValue] since it's for values and second argument is for actions e.g. only for functions.