
Scroll a ReactNative View into the visible screen. Similar to DOMElement.scrollIntoView() browser function.

MIT License



Scroll a ReactNative View ref into the visible portion of a ScrollView.

Similar to DOMElement.scrollIntoView() for web, with some extras.

yarn add react-native-scroll-into-view
// or
npm install react-native-scroll-into-view --save

There is no native code: this library is compatible with Expo managed workflow.

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Why ?

On long scrollable forms, can ensure errors become visible to the user on submit:

Building some kind of "sections index":

But really you are free to build whatever you want with it


  • Declarative component API
  • Imperative hook API
  • Configurable at many levels
  • Different alignment modes
  • Insets
  • Typescript definitions
  • Support for composition/refs/other ScrollView wrappers (Animated.ScrollView, react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view, glamorous-native...)

Note we don't plan to support anything else than ScrollView. Virtualized lists generally offer methods to scroll to a given index.

Minimal hooks example

import { View, Text, ScrollView } from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native-scroll-into-view';

const CustomScrollView = wrapScrollView(ScrollView);

function MyScreen() {
  return (
      <MyScreenContent />

function MyScreenContent() {
  const scrollIntoView = useScrollIntoView();
  const viewRef = useRef();
  return (
      <Button onPress={() => scrollIntoView(viewRef.current)}>
        Scroll a view ref into view
      // in android if the scroll is not working then add renderToHardwareTextureAndroid this to view
      <View style={{ height: 100000 }}>
        <Text>Some long ScrollView content</Text>

      <View ref={viewRef}>
        <Text>Will be scrolled into view on button press</Text>


import {
  ScrollIntoView, // enhanced View container
  wrapScrollView, // simple wrapper, no config
  wrapScrollViewConfigured, // complex wrapper, takes a config
  useScrollIntoView, // access hook for imperative usage
} from 'react-native-scroll-into-view';

// Available options with their default value
const options = {
  // auto: ensure element appears fully inside the view (if not already inside). It may align to top or bottom.
  // top: align element to top
  // bottom: align element to bottom
  // center: align element at the center of the view
  align: 'auto',

  // Animate the scrollIntoView() operation
  animated: true,

  // By default, scrollIntoView() calls are throttled a bit because it does not make much sense
  // to scrollIntoView() 2 elements at the same time (and sometimes even impossible)
  immediate: false,

  // Permit to add top/bottom insets so that element scrolled into view
  // is not touching directly the borders of the scrollview (like a padding)
  insets: {
    top: 0,
    bottom: 0,

  // Advanced: use these options as escape hatches if the lib default functions do not satisfy your needs
  computeScrollY: (scrollViewLayout, viewLayout, scrollY, insets, align) => {},
  measureElement: viewRef => {},

// Wrap the original ScrollView
const CustomScrollView = wrapScrollView(ScrollView);

// Use the wrapped CustomScrollView as a replacement of ScrollView
function MyScreen() {
  return (
      // Can provide default options (overrideable)
      <ScreenContent />

// Implement ScreenContent (inner of the ScrollView) with the useScrollIntoView and refs
function ScreenContent() {
  const scrollIntoView = useScrollIntoView();
  const viewRef = useRef();

  return (
        onPress={() => {
          scrollIntoView(viewRef.current, options);
        Scroll a view ref into view

      <View style={{ height: 100000 }}>
        <Text>Some long ScrollView content</Text>

      <View ref={viewRef}>
        <Text>Will be scrolled into view on button press</Text>

// Or implement ScreenContent (inner of the ScrollView) with class + declarative ScrollIntoView component
class ScreenContent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <Text>This will scroll into view on mount</Text>

        <ScrollIntoView align="center">
          <Text>This will scroll into view on mount and will be centered</Text>

        <ScrollIntoView animated={false}>
          <Text>This will scroll into view on mount without any animation</Text>

        <ScrollIntoView immediate={true}>
            This will not throttle scrollIntoView calls, as by default it does
            not make much sense to scroll into view multiple elements at the
            same time...

        <ScrollIntoView enabled={false}>
          <Text>This will scroll into view whenever enabled becomes true</Text>

        <ScrollIntoView scrollIntoViewKey="some string">
            This will scroll into view whenever scrollIntoViewKey changes

          scrollIntoViewKey="some string"
            This will scroll into on update (if it becomes enabled, or key

        <ScrollIntoView scrollIntoViewOptions={options}>
            This will scroll into view on mount with custom option props

            ref={ref => (this.scrollIntoViewRef = ref)}
            <Text>This will scroll into view when the button is pressed</Text>
            title="Make above text scroll into view with custom options"
            onPress={() =>

You can also configure the HOC:

const CustomScrollView = wrapScrollViewConfigured({
  // ScrollIntoView default/fallback options
  options: scrollIntoViewOptions,

  // Use this if you use a ScrollView wrapper that does not use React.forwardRef()
  refPropName: 'ref',
  // unwraps the ref that the wrapped ScrollView gives you (this lib need the bare metal ScrollView ref)
  getScrollViewNode: ref => ref,
  // fallback value for throttling, can be overriden by user with props
  scrollEventThrottle: 16,

All these hoc configurations can also be provided to the CustomScrollView as props.


You can run the example folder as an Expo app with yarn start

It is also published on Expo


Using in forms:

The integration with form libraries like Formik and Redux-form is very simple (see Formik example)

  • By default, the first error field of the form will reveal itself
  • enabled={!!error} means we'll only scroll into view fields that have an error
  • scrollIntoViewKey={submitCount} means we'll scroll into view fields which still have errors on every Formik submit attempt (submitCount is provided by Formik)

Using with react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view

KeyboardAwareScrollView does not forward refs by default so we need to obtain ref by using the innerRef prop:

const ScrollIntoViewScrollView = wrapScrollViewConfigured({
  refPropName: 'innerRef',


  • Tests
  • Universal/Web support
  • Support horizontal ScrollView?


If your changes are impactful, please open an issue first.



Some code is inspired from contribution of @sebasgarcep of an initial scrollIntoView support for react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view

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