
💰 React Native implementation for Stripe.js Checkout.

MIT License


React Native Stripe Checkout

React Native implementation for Stripe.js Checkout.


The library allows you to use Stripe.js Checkout with react-native without ejecting. You can use it with both server-side implementations and client-side implementations. Simply ensure you follow the url structure guidelines below.



  • Ensure you've completed the setps in prequisites.

  • Install package via npm or yarn:

npm install --save react-native-stripe-checkout-webview OR yarn add react-native-stripe-checkout-webview

  • Import in your project
import StripeCheckout from 'react-native-stripe-checkout-webview';


import StripeCheckout from 'react-native-stripe-checkout-webview';

type Props = { STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY: string, CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID: string };

const MyStripeCheckout = ({ STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY, CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID }: Props) => (
      sessionId: CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID,
    onSuccess={({ checkoutSessionId }) => {
      console.log(`Stripe checkout session succeeded. session id: ${checkoutSessionId}.`);
    onCancel={() => {
      console.log(`Stripe checkout session cancelled.`);

export default MyStripeCheckout;

Important Notes about URLs

  • successUrl must have the query string params ?sc_checkout=success&sc_sid={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}
    • sc_sid is optional - must be the last param - when passed results in sessionId being passed to the onSuccess function
  • cancelUrl must have the query string params ?sc_checkout=cancel
  • A simple way to do this is using url-join. eg: urlJoin(mySuccessUrl, '?sc_checkout=success&sc_sid={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}').

Component props

  • stripePublicKey (String) - Stripe public key of your project.
  • checkoutSessionInput (Object) - Object to be passed to Stripe's redirectToCheckout function. Docs.
    • {
        sessionId: string,
        successUrl: string,
        cancelUrl: string,
        // common
        customerEmail?: string,
        billingAddressCollection?: 'required' | 'auto',
        shippingAddressCollection?: {
          allowedCountries: Array<string>,
        locale?: string,
      | {
          clientReferenceId: string,
          successUrl: string,
          cancelUrl: string,
          items?: Array<{ plan: string, quantity: string }>,
          lineItems?: Array<{ price: number, quantity: number }>,
          mode?: 'payment' | 'subscription',
          submitType?: string,
          // common
          customerEmail?: string,
          billingAddressCollection?: 'required' | 'auto',
          shippingAddressCollection?: {
            allowedCountries: Array<string>,
          locale?: string,
  • onSuccess (?Function) - Called upon success of the checkout session with { ...props, checkoutSessionId: 'CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID' }
  • onCancel (?Function) - Called upon success of the checkout session with { ...props }
  • onLoadingComplete (?Function) - Called when the Stripe checkout session webpage loads successfully.
  • options (?Object) - custom options to display content in the webview
    • htmlContentLoading (String) - Html string to display a loading indication. - default: <h1 id="sc-loading">Loading...</h1> - note: The loading item is set on the element with id='sc-loading'
    • htmlContentError (String) - Html string to display stripe errors. - default: <div id="sc-error-message"></div> - note: The error is set on the element with id='sc-error-message'
    • htmlContentHead (String) - Html string to inject in head. - default: ''
  • webViewProps (?Object) - WebView Component props, spread on the WebView Component.
  • renderOnComplete (?(props) => React$Node) - Optional rendering function returning a component to display upon checkout completion. note: You don't need this if your onSuccess and onCancel functions navigate away from the component.

Apple Pay and Google Pay

  • This library uses react-native-webview under the hood to render the Stripe Checkout webpage. To get Apple Pay and Google Pay to work we need to pass the context to the browser, here's how to get it working:
    • What causes the issue is an injected script by default on webview start named html5HistoryAPIShimSource
      How to fix (Note that the fix doesn't fully work on expo, but workarounds can be found in the issue thread):
      • Comment this line in /node_modules/react-native-webview/apple/RNCWebView.m like shown below (in v10.9.2 line number is 1270.)
      WKUserScript *script = [[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:html5HistoryAPIShimSource injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentStart
      // [wkWebViewConfig.userContentController addUserScript:script]; // this line that inject "html5HistoryAPIShimSource" on start


Pull requests are highly appreciated! For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

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  • Add eslint
  • Config prettier
  • Add typescript