
Simple React Component for adding a floating WhatsApp button to your project.

MIT License


⚛️⚡ WhatsApp Floating Button Component for React


This React component offers an elegant WhatsApp floating button, serving as a bridge to the official WhatsApp application. It simulates a WhatsApp chat interface, allowing users to initiate conversations directly from your website. Upon clicking "submit," users are redirected to WhatsApp with their message pre-filled, ready to continue the conversation. Ideal for enhancing customer support and engagement, this component simplifies the transition from web inquiries to WhatsApp communication using WhatsApp's API.


The WhatsApp Floating Button Component supports both light and dark modes, ensuring it can integrate seamlessly with your application's theme. Below are the mockups for each mode:

Light Mode Dark Mode
Light Mode Dark Mode

Toggle between the modes to provide a consistent user experience regardless of your app's theme.


Install the component using your preferred package manager:


npm install @carlos8a/react-whatsapp-floating-button


pnpm install @carlos8a/react-whatsapp-floating-button


yarn add @carlos8a/react-whatsapp-floating-button

Usage Example

Below is a basic example demonstrating how to integrate the WhatsApp floating button into your app:

import { FloatingWhatsApp } from '@carlos8a/react-whatsapp-floating-button';

const App = () => {
  return (
        phoneNumber='5215540000000' // Required
        accountName='Carlos Ochoa' // Optional
        avatar='/images/avatar.webp' // Optional
        initialMessageByServer='Hi there! How can I assist you?' // Optional
        initialMessageByClient='Hello! I found your contact on your website. I would like to chat with you about...' // Optional
        statusMessage='Available' // Optional
        startChatText='Start chat with us' // Optional
        tooltipText='Need help? Click to chat!' // Optional
        allowEsc={true} // Optional
        // Explore all available props below

export default App;

Available Props

Prop Type Required Description Default
phoneNumber String Yes Phone number in international format 5215540000000
accountName String No Account username Account Name
onClick Function No Callback fired on click -
onSubmit Function No Callback fired on submit with the event passed -
onClose Function No Callback fired on close -
onLoopDone Function No Callback called when notification loop is done -
onNotification Function No Callback fired when a notification is triggered -
avatar String No Path to change user avatar using static assets UI Face
statusMessage String No Text displayed below the account username Typically replies within 1 hour
initialMessageByServer String No First message visitors receive Hello there! How can we help?
initialMessageByClient String No Message that the user will send to your WhatsApp Hello!, I got your contact from your website. I would like to chat with you about...
startChatText String No Text displayed inside the "Start Chat" button Start chat with us
tooltipText String | null No Text that will appear in the tooltip, adjacent to the WhatsApp button null
messageDelay Number No Delay before displaying initialMessageByServer (seconds) 2
notification Boolean No Enables notifications (disabled after user opens the chat box) false
notificationDelay Number No Delay between notifications (seconds) 60
notificationLoop Number No Number of times notifications loop 0
notificationStyle CSSProperties No Inline style for notification {}
notificationClassName String No CSS class for notification indicator floating-whatsapp-notification
allowClickAway Boolean No Allows chat box to close when clicking outside false
allowEsc Boolean No Allows chat box to close when pressing Escape key false
darkMode Boolean No Enables dark style false
className String No CSS class for the main wrapping Div floating-whatsapp
buttonClassName String No CSS class for the button floating-whatsapp-button
style CSSProperties No Inline style for the main wrapping Div {}
buttonStyle CSSProperties No Inline style for the button {}
chatboxHeight Number No Chat box height 320
chatboxClassName String No CSS class for the chat box floating-whatsapp-chatbox
chatboxStyle CSSProperties No Inline style for the chat box {}

Development and Testing Files

The following files are intended solely for development and testing purposes and do not form part of the component's distribution:

  • <root>/index.html (used to test the component)
  • <root>/src/**/* (excluding <root>/src/lib/**/* which is the component)
  • <root>/public/ (used to test the component)
  • <root>/preparePublish.js (prepares the component for npm publishing)

Building and Testing the Package

Note: For anyone that just want to get and use the component, the Installation and Usage Example sections have got all you need 👍🏻.

This section is for developers who want to modify the component. Follow the steps outlined below to rebuild and test your changes locally.


Make sure you have Node.js (version 18 or higher) installed on your system. This project employs pnpm for efficient dependency management. If you don't have pnpm, install it with the following command:

npm install -g pnpm

Setting Up the Development Environment

  1. Clone the Repository: Get a copy of the project onto your local machine by cloning the GitHub repository.

    git clone
    cd react-whatsapp-floating-button
  2. Install Dependencies: Use pnpm to install all the necessary dependencies. This ensures your environment is equipped with everything needed for building and testing the component.

    pnpm install

Running a Local Development Server

You will be able to modify and see real-time changes due we are using Vite to dev and deploy.

You can run:

pnpm run dev

Now you will be able to start enhancing or customizing this beautiful but always improveable component 😁.

Rebuilding the Library

Execute the following command to build the library:

pnpm run build:lib

This script performs a series of tasks:

  • Clears the dist directory for a clean build.
  • Adjusts TypeScript configurations for the build.
  • Compiles the library using Vite into the dist folder, which will contain the production-ready code.
  • Resets TypeScript configurations after the build.

That's it. Now you can take a look at the dist directory where you'll find the bundled code.


  • Special thanks to @awran5 for the react-floating-whatsapp component, which served as a base for this enhanced version.
  • Gratitude to @darwinva97 for the PR contributing improvements in accessibility and SEO through aria-hidden attribute modifications.


MIT License © 2024