
An example of using multi-user JWT authentication with Redwood"


JWT 2 Phase Auth in Redwood

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An example repo showing 2 factor JWT auth which works with a netflix-style account system (aka one Account which can have many Users.) Handles switching accounts, logging in via email or username.

It TypeScript-ifies and builds on the work from 3nvy in in "Local JWT Auth Implementation".

This code can handle auth via cookies, headers (bearer) and embedded JSON requests which is enough to handle the default Redwood setup and external clients like apps.


There are 5 new functions in api/src/functions:

  • jwtLogin.ts - Handles logging in and either returns a full set of tokens or just one temporary token to select users with
  • jwtLogout.ts - Handles logout and removing cookies
  • jwtRefresh.ts - Handles recycling the short term token every 30m
  • jwtSignup.ts - Handles the creation of a new account
  • jwtUserSwitch.ts - Lets you switch access tokens between users on an account


Looks like this:

// Represents a person

model User {
  id String @id @unique

  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @default(now()) @updatedAt

  username String @unique
  roles    String @default("user")

  account   Account @relation(fields: [accountID], references: [id])
  accountID String

// The paying entity

model Account {
  id String @id @unique

  createdAt DateTime @default(now())
  updatedAt DateTime @default(now()) @updatedAt

  email String @unique

  hashedPassword      String
  salt                String
  resetToken          String?
  resetTokenExpiresAt DateTime?

  users User[]
  jwts  JWT[]

// A long-term JWT token

model JWT {
  // The ID is the actual JWT token
  id String @id

  account   Account @relation(fields: [accountID], references: [id])
  accountID String

App Changes

  • App.tsx needs to use the new jwtAuthClient at /web/src/networking/jwtAuthClient.ts

Things you would need to do!

The API client needs to silently handle token refreshes - here's how it works for me in my relay code - I'm sure someone knows how to port this to an Apollo link pretty trivially

if (user) {
  let token = user.accessToken
  const refresh = user.refreshToken

  const { exp } = jwt_decode<JwtPayload>(token)

  // Checks if access token has expired and refresh tokens before proceeding
  if (exp * 1000 < {
    const apiURL = (path: string) => `${global.RWJS_API_URL}/${path}`

    // Send off the long-term JWT in order to ask for a new access token
    const res = await fetch(apiURL("jwtRefresh"), { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${refresh}`, "auth-provider": "custom" } })
    const data = await res.json()

    if (res.ok) {
      localStorage.setItem("myAppAuth", JSON.stringify(data))
      token = data.accessToken

    } else {
      console.error("JWT refresh failed")

  if (token) {
    // We either pass the main token of the new revised refresh token
    headers["authorization"] = `Bearer ${token}`
    headers["auth-provider"] = "custom"

Not in this repo

  • A User switcher UI. All my code is Relay, and I'm not re-creating it here. You'd need to take this into account in your login screen, and inside your user dashboard.

  • A new user button. Same problem as above.

I threw the server-side code in for into the repo anyway though.

Things I think are sketchy

  • isAuthenticated from useAuth is not to be trusted, prefer a check for currentUser from useAuth. In my app, I don't rely on useAuth because most of it comes from RNW and so I don't make the same getCurrentUser calls. Open to fixes.

  • getCurrentUser in auth.ts uses the 2nd param - not the session, not sure what to make of this.