
GitHub Action to validate that a pull request is opened against the right branch based on branch mappings from the PR's referenced Jira issue labels.

MIT License


Release Branch Validator

A GitHub Action step to validate that a pull request is opened against the correct branch based on branch mappings from the PR's referenced Jira issue labels.


See also action.yml for a comprehensive list of all the options.

You must set up a branch mapping Yaml file in your repository.

Example workflow configuration:

name: PR Validation
on: [pull_request]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: dpogue/release-branch-validator-action@v1
          jira-endpoint: ${{ secrets.JIRA_ENDPOINT }}
          jira-token: ${{ secrets.JIRA_AUTH_TOKEN }}

All Options

List of input options

Input Description Default
repo-token PAT for GitHub authentication ${{ github.token }}
configuration-path Path to branch mapping configuration file .github/release-branches.yml
jira-endpoint Required. The endpoint URL for the Jira instance
jira-token Required. An authentication token for the Jira instance
strict Whether to fail the status check when problems are found false

Detailed Options


Personal Access Token (PAT) that allows the workflow to authenticate and perform API calls to GitHub. Under the hood, it uses the @actions/github package.

Default value: ${{ github.token }}


The path to a Yaml mapping file in the default branch of the repository that contains a list of branches and corresponding Jira labels.

An example of this file would look like this:

  - Backport

  - Bugfix

  - NewWork

With this example, pull requests referencing Jira issues with the Backport label will warn if they are not opened against the v1.x branch.

Default value: .github/release-branches.yml


The endpoint URL for the Jira instance from which to query issues and labels.

This value is required.


An authentication token for the Jira instance.

This should be a base64-encoded value, consisting of a Jira user's email address and a valid API token value for that user. See Atlassian instructions for generating this value.

This value is required, and should be stored in the repository secrets.


By default, this action will add comments to a pull request warning about problems such as missing Jira issues in commits, inconsistent or missing release labelling on those issues, and whether the pull request is targeting the wrong base branch. However, it will not mark the status check as failing.

When setting strict to true, any problem will also cause a failing status check on the pull request to prevent it from being merged.

Default value: false


Contributions of bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are greatly appreciated!

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


Copyright © 2021 Darryl Pogue. Licensed under the MIT Licence.