
ReactEmail is a powerful email template renderer based on React



ReactEmail is a powerful email template renderer based on React.


  • Easy to use
  • Compatility with React
  • Builtin layout to compact with many email clients
  • Support different template syntax with TemplateFormatter
  • Powerful plugin support
    • support css-in-js/css module
    • transform className to inline style

Quick Start

Write a Email template component

List and Row is a wrapper for table layout. You can use table/tr/td to replace them. HTML/Head/Body is designed to running in brwoser/node environment and let it easy to use.

// App.tsx
import { HTML, Head, Body, List, Row } from '@remail/components'

export function App() {
  return (
        <meta name="format-detection" content="email=no" />
        <meta name="format-detection" content="date=no" />
          <Row>This is a email template based on React</Row>
          <Row>It's can be running in client/server</Row>

Write a file to build template to file.

Here have two way to run this file.

  • You don't use any webpack feature. Such as import image as url, import less, languager transform, etc. You can run this file directly by tsc or ts-node. ts-node build.tsx

  • You use webpack feature. Such as import image, babel plugin, etc. You need build this file before run it. parcel build build.tsx && ./dist/build.js

// build.tsx.
import { renderToString, permutation } from '@remail/renderer'
import { App } from './App'
import { writeFileSync } from 'fs'

const html = renderToString(<App/>, {
  // ...options
writeFileSync('template.html', html, 'utf8')

// or you can batch build template, such as build different language
// here has a helper function to do full permutation

for (const perm of permutation({
  lang: ['zh-CN', 'en-US', 'ja-JP'],
  country: ['China', 'America', 'Japan']
})) {
  const html = renderToString(<App {...perm}/>, {
    plugins: [
      // please renew plugin for each render
      // because most of plugins has side effect
  writeFileSync(`template-${perm.lang}-${}.html`, html)

Setup development environment

You can use web development stack to develop email template. Such as webpack/parcel/rollup.

Here use parcel as a example.

First, write a html template and a entrypoint file.

// dev.tsx - entrypoint
import { render } from 'react-dom'
import { App } from './App'

render(<App/>, document.getElementById('app')!)
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Email Template</title>
  <div id="app"></div>
  <script src="./dev.tsx"></script>

It's done. Just run parcel serve dev.browser.ts and open localhost:1234 to start happy coding.

Why not use react-dom/server

Of casue, you can use react-dom/server to render component. If you want to use more powerful feature. react-dom/server cannot do it. @remail/renderer privide plugin to help you do powerful feature.

The another ways, react-dom/server support full feature of react. But most of those are not necessary for email template. Such as Suspense/Memo/Lazy/CONCURRENT. @remail/renderer removes most of those. Only support Function/Class Component/Context. So it's faster than react-dom/server


Why use this?

Sometimes, The email service interplate value into email template with different syntax. For example, Golang use template/html, Node.js use ejs. So we need to prebuild react component to static file suffix with .html which has interplate syntax.

Here use Golang template/html as example.

function App() {
  return <div>{`{{.Value}}`}</div>

// after build App

It'w works but not friendly for development. Because it's always output {{.Value}} in browser. If there have more complex syntax, Such as loop if switch, It's hard to read and maintainable.

Quick Start

All content come from @remail/template.

import { TemplateProvider, GolangTemplateFormatter, If, Interpolate } from '@remail/template'

function App() {
  return (
        <Interpolate expr={v => v.Title}/>
        condition={v => v.HasContent}
        then={<div><Interpolate expr={v.Content}/></div>}
        else={<div>No Content</div>}

// in browser for development. This would render real value from context.
  <TemplateProvider value={{
    formatter: new GolangTemplateFormatter(),
    value: {
      Title: 'xxx',
      HasContent: true,
      Content: 'content'

// in server for build or production. This would render special template syntax.
  <TemplateProvider value={{
    formatter: new GolangTemplateFormatter(),
    // value is not needed
    // value: {}


If you have any questions, please submit an issue.