

Remix Fly Stack

Fly Setup

  1. Install Fly

  2. Sign up and log in to Fly

flyctl auth signup
  1. You'll need to create a .env file in your project root for your SESSION_SECRET
cp .env.example .env
echo SESSION_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32) >> .env

The Database

In development, it's better to use a local database, The easiest way to do this is using Docker. To start your postgres database, run the following command:

docker-compose up

That may take a moment to start up as it needs to get the postgres image from the Docker registry, after it's done, you'll need to migrate your database

prisma migrate deploy

If you'd prefer not to use Docker, you can also use Fly's Wireguard VPN to connect to a development database (or even your production database). You can find the instructions to set up Wireguard here, and the instructions for creating a development database here.


From a new tab in your terminal:

npm run dev

This starts your app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.


This Remix Stack comes with two GitHub actions that handle automatically deploying your app to production and staging environments.

Prior to your first deployment, you'll need to do a few thing:

  • Create two apps on Fly, one for staging and one for production:

    fly create remix-fly-stack-kcd-staging
    fly create remix-fly-stack-kcd
  • Make sure you have a FLY_API_KEY added to your GitHub repo, to do this, go to your user settings on Fly and create a new token, then add it to your repo secrets with the name FLY_API_KEY. Finally you'll need to add a SESSION_SECRET to your fly app secrets, to do this you can run the following commands:

    fly secrets set SESSION_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32) -c fly.staging.toml
    fly secrets set SESSION_SECRET=$(openssl rand -hex 32) -c fly.production.toml
  • Create a database for both your staging and production environments. Run the following for both of your environments and follow the prompts:

    fly postgres create

    afterwards, you'll need to connect your database to each of your apps

    fly postgres attach --postgres-app <the name of your db> --app <the name of your app>

    Fly will take care of setting the DATABASE_URL secret for you.