
NES Road Fighter like game every 90's person has played in their childhood.

MIT License


Play in Browser

Clicking here you can play enjoy :D

What is it?

Its an implementation of classic road fighter NES game with HTML5 Canvas and Typescript. Completely responsive and thus can be played on any device. For mobile devices, it uses on-screen buttons to control game and for laptop/pc, it uses keyboard buttons.

Todo List

  • make it responsive
  • add buttons on mobile device for mobile playability
  • insert enemy car based on current location (not randomly)
  • add more types (trucks or something)
  • make a scoring logic and show score on gameover
  • auto reload and resize game area if viewport height/width changes
  • add loader screen for before the gameloads
  • add more levels
  • surrounding scenery can be improved for more immersive environment

How to setup locally and run project

1. Clone repository

git clone

2. Enter into cloned repo

cd road-fighter

3. To install dependencies

npm install

4. To run development server

npm run dev 

5. To create distribution bundle

npm run build